Smashed thumb experiences?

I'm glad there's a chance it will grow back normally. Doesn't sound nearly as bad as some of your guy's stories. No blood outside, no stiches, or tearing or no broken bone! *shivers* Good thing too since i'm 300 miles from home!

I was thinking about the heated clip thing but it's now 22 hours after the door slam and it doesn't hurt too bad if I don't touch it. I may go without pressure release since that would open up a hole for infection and I play in the dirt way to much to think I can keep it clean.
Haha, an odd attachment to your nails, that is an understatement

It also looks worse in person then in the photo.

That said, the nail usually grows back as normal after it falls off. I was reading that if the nailbed itself is damaged (I don't think that is true in your case), then getting it fixed by a doctor can help it grow back normally. Other than that, besides putting a hole in it to relieve throbbing pain (which isn't occurring), time will let it heal (along with a few hugs and a few uL of sympathy), on the order of months if the nail does fall out.


edit because I can't think properly

edited my edit because I was thinking properly the first time and not the second
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Not a thumb... But my big toe !!! Droppe dan antique bowl on it last June and had to after 4 days of endless pain go to the Dr. and he shuck a needle under the nail and out came the bllod and fluid and poof there went the pain and pressure. Yes a week later I lost the entire nail and Now 1 year later it has grown back only 3/4 of the way back. And since it is flip flop season it does not look pretty. And when I get a pedicure no pretty flower design on it since it is not big enough.
Ouch! And, you use your thumb for everything so everything you do probably hurts!

My husband has smashed his thumb when a 300 lb. propane tank was dropped on it ... it literally split his finger open like a hotdog gone too long in the microwave.

And, he put a nail through his finger with his nail gun building me a wonderful chicken coop last summer .... wanna see picts? Yuk!
Ouch! Silkie, I know that had to hurt.
While my sister was getting her hair cut in a salon. I went out for something in the truck & slammed my middle finger in my truck door.It was bleeding really bad & I didn't tell my sister till she got though. She's an RN is she took care of it for me.I did lose my nail,but it grew back okay.
Take care, Miriam
change my last comment. My toe nail just fell off. I was clipping my nails, didnt think anything bad. came to the bruised nail, clipped it and all sudden a gush of liquid came running out. the color returned to normal , but the nail was loose all sudden. I cut it back as good as i could so i wont get stuck on nothing, my oldest was all grossed out and squealing. butthe good thing is all the discomfort on my left food is gone and the beesting on the right barely hurts.
OUCH! All these stories sound painful! I've gotten my finger slammed in a car door too. A few years ago, my mom, my brother, my friend and me were all at a gas station and were getting out of the car so that we could go inside and get a few snacks. Well, my friend accidently slammed the car door on my index finger on my left hand. It hurt so bad! The skin under my nail got purple and black and really swollen. Then while I was at church one day my nail came off completly. I had to say to the teacher, "Um, excuse me? May I go to the bathroom? My fingernail just fell off."
Now the nail has completly grown back and you can't even tell that I had an injury. I hope that your finger feels better soon!
My first smashed finger was as a toddler, my little brother was with Mom in the bathroom and barfing, I was following close behind, Mom closed bathroom door and smashed one of my fingers. We ended up at a doctor's office and the nail was drained - something was drilled into my nail to release the blood.

As a mom now, I can only imagine how those next 30 minutes were spent, a barfing 3 year old and a 4 year old with a smashed finger!!!!

As an adult I have continued to abuse my digits. 2 broken toes, one smashed big toe. One middle finger - did you know if you close a hugh file drawer full of lease agreements, you really should make sure that all of your fingers are out of the drawer first?

I even managed to smash my littlest brother's finger in a car door when we had gone to the snow. Luckily, there was plenty of cold ice availble to pack his finger in.....

OUCH! Thanks for the memories! I think!

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