Snake attack!!!!!

Here in Texas some folks call them rat snakes others call them Bull snakes but we had several over 4ft, two over 6ft and one that was 7.5 ft long, the 7.5 footer ate five ducks that were several months old, I killed it and the duck nearest the front was still moving, we pulled it out and it lived to adulthood, she is now my best blue muscovy breeder!

Andy in Fredericksburg
poor you!!!!
Bad snake!!!! I read and saw your picture on that other thread.....Did you really freak out????????
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Judging by your description, it is possible that it could be a Texas Indigo snake. This species has a fatter body and smaller proportional head. Usually black with other markings sometimes reddish coloration does appear. From my research, it shows that this species is threatened in Texas. This is also a species who will readily consume eggs. I would be careful about what snakes you kill. I'm sure Texas DNR would not take lightly to killing a threatened species. I'm not saying for sure this is in fact an Indigo snake but, most likely given the general description you gave. Hopefully, you will not have anymore trouble with any snakes. Hope this helps.

I hope these help. Message to those who kill their snakes. Not bashing anyone but, maybe try to relocate them just far enough away to not be a direct problem. Especially non-venomous species which are safer to handle. If you can't do it then get an eager neighborhood kid to do it! I have a large population of black rat snakes in my area and from what I have been reading they are likely going to be at least a partial problem. I will relocate them down the road a bit. They are definitely worth having around for other reasons. Like any animal, they are looking for an easy meal. Unlike a coyote, fox, or raccoon they are easy to rid. I will try putting some hot wire near my nest boxes and chick areas to curb their interest!
Well, I don't have a coop yet, and my chicks are still in the brooder- so no snakes in the next boxes, but about a month and a half ago, I had a 4 foot long bullsnake in my HOUSE!!! It was slithering under the cabinets and hid behind my dishwasher. DH came home and pulled the d/w out that night but couldn't find the snake... 2 night later, the snake was back, only by the front door this time... DH caught it, we took pics, taught the dog to bark at hissing things then DH walked it up the driveway (WAY up the driveway) and let it go. I like snakes.... I don't even mind them in the house- when I put them there!!! The only thing that scared me is that we do have rattlesnakes around and sometimes bullsnakes can appear to be rattlers... so after double checking the first time we saw it, I wasn't too worried... except I have an 11 month old crawling around the house... I'm glad she didn't find it!!! Oh, and a couple days later we found a baby bullsnake under our kitchen sink!!
poor you!!!!
Bad snake!!!! I read and saw your picture on that other thread.....Did you really freak out????????

By the time my hubby came home it was in about 11 pieces, so I guess I did kind of freak out.

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