snake just ate my chicken

for python a big dog with strong prey drive can be trained for it this one was eating chickens also

I like snakes around when i was in cali i really needed snakes around to keep rattle snakes away but if you really want them away it is a pretty easy fix.

python is a non native nightmare though. A snake the size of the boa in the video the dog is taking care of can eat any size chicken cat and a lot of dogs. It can expand its jaws and just swallow it and sit there for days.

THey can make good pets till about 6 feet long. People are so stupid.
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Carpet pythons are not too bad like the giant burmese we have in america

an adult burmese can kill a grown man easy if it wants to

if you are killing black snakes and king snake s copper heads, and rattlers will rule your area probably bite you or your kids when u step on one

These snakes will eat baby pythons also python do not eat snakes ever ever ever

IF you do have copperhead or rattlesnake or any kind of snake that can hurt u or ur kids around your house then i would NEVEr kill a snake i think your life and your family life is more important than a chickens. You have no idea what it is like to be bitten by a snake and how easy it is to get bit. ALso all the snakes around your house is what could be keeping other more deadly snakes away. Cats do kill venomouse snakes also but they dont do a good as job as other snakes do. If you ever get to meet a snake bite victim or see one u should do it it will open up your eyes. I would release a bunch of king snakes on my property if i lived in known areas of rattle snakes and copperheads. Nothing scares me more.
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@ "animals1981"
Great post on KINGSNAKES! I have a bunch of pictures somewhere of kingsnakes killing other snakes. Kingsnakes are great! A whole lot of people have them as pets. I've had three myself. They can be really tame and many of the different kinds are beautiful creatures. My favorite is the Eastern King found over around the Carolinas way.

I have an infestation of rat snakes here, "chicken snakes." Years ago I was like a lot of people and killed every snake I ran across. Then about 20 years ago I started leaving them alone. We have never had a big problem with venomous snakes but I did have a dog bit by one while in his pen, copperhead I suppose. And I did kill a copperhead I found trying to enter the rat snake den. Well I saw him come out and got him trying to go back in a little while later! So yep, copperheads and rat snakes will live peacefully together. I NEED a few kingsnakes to run all these other hoodlums off!!!

I have seen traps like the minnow trap used to catch snakes. You can even make a box and just making the entrance like the minnow trap is the trick. They can't figure out how to get out. You can make a trap like the minnow trap using hardware cloth. I have even heard of using pvc pipe with traffic cones stuck in the ends. Also the netting is good to catch them. Sulfer and lime mixed together is pretty good to keep them away but I do think it kills birds. Cats will kill the small ones and "some" dogs will kill the big ones. Pigs will kill snakes and eat them like candy! And I have heard that goats will keep them ran off. I have also heard of spraying kerosene around the foundation of your house will keep them away.

I haven't had chickens in a long time but some babies are due to hatch in a week. So the battle with snakes, coons, possums, dogs, cats, hawks, coyotes, foxes, skunks... and whoever else I have forgot will begin shortly! Makes me tired to think about it. LOL
About those coons... do any of y'all eat them after you catch them? Don't let them go to waste, they are mighty tastey! lol

About that copperhead picture somebody posted. That's a big one! I bet it is ever bit of 5' and probably more - considering a shovel is about a foot wide.
Those rat snakes ("chicken snakes") are great climbers. They have what is called " keeled" scales on their belly that helps them climb. Kingsnakes do not have keeled scales so they can't climb like a rat snake but they might get up in a bush or something with low branches. I had one big rat snake eat a full grown squirrel then fall out of the tree.
@ "animals1981" Beautiful Eastern King you posted! He's putting the whammy on that rattlesnake. lol I wish I had a dozen just like it... but they will sometimes eat each other too.
All these snake posts have made me really glad I live in the cool rainy Pacific Northwest. Don 't see many snakes here. But although I can't call your snake I can raise you a cougar. At least they are easier to see. Snakes sneak.
All these snake posts have made me really glad I live in the cool rainy Pacific Northwest. Don 't see many snakes here. But although I can't call your snake I can raise you a cougar. At least they are easier to see. Snakes sneak.

I would have to fold on that hand - my snakes might possibly kill me (small chance) but they can't eat me! Snakes are more apt to make somebody hurt their self than anything. Those cougars might make a snack out of me! LOL But cougars sure are pretty... in a picture... or on tv... or in a cage. hehe

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