snakes in the chicken coop

I've lost eggs to skunks, possums, rats, racoons. If you must use moth balls make sure you use proper safety measures. Very toxic to you, pets animals etc...
In my crawl space, I just toss them. NO animal should be under there. Pets are not allowed and it is shut up tight to keep the dog out. Any animal that finds them loose down there is in my house at their own risk. Outside where my dog and chickens can be, I put them in a plastic container so the smell can get out but not the ball.
ok heres some info. the EPA has classified nephthalene as a high priority PBT Chemical. It doen't break down but goes into the ground water, which then gets into the food chain. Water treatment plants do n't remove PBT's. Even inhaling the fumes given off by moth balls is toxic.

Welcome to BYC!!

Good luck with getting rid of the snakes and welcome to our flock!
Mo, have not seen the snake, I have every opening covered. I have moth balls around the outside. We have a mobile coop so we move it a few feet about once a week.
Hello and welcome! I hope you find the source of missing eggs. If you do find snake good luck dealing with it! personally I would chop it with a shovel or take out my 20 Ga.

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