Sneezing 3.5week chick


May 23, 2022
Evening all,

Looking for some advice. One of our chicks started sneezing yesterday. I thought it might be the pine shavings so I emptied out the savings and used kitchen roll instead. I also added a splash of ACV and garlic to their water.
This evening one of the other chicks in the brooder has started sneezing too. Both are eating, drinking and as lively as ever but I'm concerned. The first chick is sneezing less than yesterday.

Any ideas? Being in the UK means access to medication is limited but I do have Harkers Coxoid.

Any advice gratefully received!
Do they gave discharge from their nares or their eyes?

Mine sometimes sneeze from getting dust from the crumbles in their nares. That might be the case for you if there are no other symptoms (hopefully).
Do they gave discharge from their nares or their eyes?

Mine sometimes sneeze from getting dust from the crumbles in their nares. That might be the case for you if there are no other symptoms (hopefully).
There is no discharge, no change to their poops. As soon as I go in with some feed on my hand the first sneezer is still the first one to run at me, hop on and start pecking away.
There is no discharge, no change to their poops. As soon as I go in with some feed on my hand the first sneezer is still the first one to run at me, hop on and start pecking away.
Then maybe that's all it is. I'd still keep a close eye on them. Just in case. Sneezes always make me nervous!
I'm terrified! This may sound daft but can humans transfer a cold virus to chicks? My daughter came down with a cold a couple of days before the first chick sneezed.

I'm probably clutching at straws but I just thought it was probably dust with the first chick but now the second one is I'm quite concerned. The vet avian/poultry knowledge with vets around here is definitely on the low side....
I'm terrified! This may sound daft but can humans transfer a cold virus to chicks? My daughter came down with a cold a couple of days before the first chick sneezed.

I'm probably clutching at straws but I just thought it was probably dust with the first chick but now the second one is I'm quite concerned. The vet avian/poultry knowledge with vets around here is definitely on the low side....
No worry about transferring colds. And chicken respiratory illness brings with it a host of other symptoms. If your crumble is pretty dusty/has lots of small particles, it could have that effect on more than one of them.
Touching wood right now but there is significantly less sneezing today. They've had two days of garlic and ACV in their water and there has been the occasional sneeze but at first I thought they'd stopped completely but after 10-15 mins one sneezed and then the other but I think that's progress at least!
Touching wood right now but there is significantly less sneezing today. They've had two days of garlic and ACV in their water and there has been the occasional sneeze but at first I thought they'd stopped completely but after 10-15 mins one sneezed and then the other but I think that's progress at least!
Progress is good! Still no other symptoms? Their little nostrils and eyes are clear? Poop good?
No other symptoms, one sneeze from one and 3 sneezes from little Yondu who was almost constantly sneezing at one stage. This was over a three hour period. Poops are perfect and eyes and nostrils are all clear. They've been super lively today which is too adorable!

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