sneezing, wheezing & gurgling chickens

So No place around here sells Vt RX. I don't really want to do antibiotics but I was resigned and went to the feed store. The 2 antibiotics they sell specificly say do not give to layers??? Even the feed guy said maybe I should wait and talk to the vet.
I can't get any vet around here to look at the chicks. I found one an hour away that can see a few of them but not till wed and it will be pricey.
So till then I am trying natural remedies!!??? Someone said add silver to there water? It's a antibacteriel. And maybe a blueberry treat for the antioxidants. And also electrolytes. Any other thoughts?
Turmeric supposedly boosts the immune system. I'm not an advocate of antibiotics use for any respiratory illness so I really dont recommend them.

On a side note, VetRx isn't meant to be put IN the eye, per se. The directions say to put it into the roof of the mouth so it gets into the sinuses and eye area that way for the treatment of eye worms. Just dont put much store in it for anything but minor relief of symptoms.

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