Snotty nares


Jul 1, 2023
Greeneville Tennessee
My 15 week old pullet developed a cough and now has clear discharge from her nares.. she is eating very well, poop looks good.. drinking water with Rooster Booster , vitamins and electrolytes, treated her last night with VetRx.. plus I also add oregano oil to the water.. I do not want to use antibiotics.. sadly she shares her coop and run with two other pullets, I am currently breaking them in to my original flock , so I have now way to I doing all I can do naturally to keep this virus under wraps? I sprayed my existing flock with a fine mist of VetRx at bedtime.. I am super stressed over this! How long does this cold virus run its course? Thanks in advance for all replies!
How do you know this is a virus? Have you encountered these symptoms in your existing flock before?

There are several respiratory diseases, some are viral, some bacterial.

Some things clear up on their own without antibiotics. If you don't want to use them, thencontinue with the remedies you are currently using and see how it goes.

If symptoms worsen, then seeking vet care or getting testing is always a good idea, this way you know what you are dealing with and what's the best course of treatment.

If vet care is not an option and she gets worse, you can try treating with Tylan/Tylosin or a Tetracycline to see if one of those helps with symptoms.

Here's info on chicken diseases
How do you know this is a virus? Have you encountered these symptoms in your existing flock before?

There are several respiratory diseases, some are viral, some bacterial.

Some things clear up on their own without antibiotics. If you don't want to use them, thencontinue with the remedies you are currently using and see how it goes.

If symptoms worsen, then seeking vet care or getting testing is always a good idea, this way you know what you are dealing with and what's the best course of treatment.

If vet care is not an option and she gets worse, you can try treating with Tylan/Tylosin or a Tetracycline to see if one of those helps with symptoms.

Here's info on chicken diseases
I have never encountered these symptoms in my existing flock.. I got the three pullets three weeks ago, and have them confined/separated with their own small coop and run that is attached to my existing flocks run.. I was planning on integrating but the one got sick… I am not sure if this is a virus, I just know it appears to be respiratory in nature and started about 4 days ago…she is very alert, active and eating and drinking very well .. just has that cough, head shake like a sneeze and slight clear drainage from her nare, her beak is closed when she breaths
How is she doing?

Could be respiratory disease, but hard to know. Sometimes new birds pick up things from existing flocks or vice versa.
If she's eating/drinking and active, then see if you can get by without treating with an antibiotic.
If she worsens or others start to have similar symptoms then treating them with abx may be an appropriate action to take.
How is she doing?

Could be respiratory disease, but hard to know. Sometimes new birds pick up things from existing flocks or vice versa.
If she's eating/drinking and active, then see if you can get by without treating with an antibiotic.
If she worsens or others start to have similar symptoms then treating them with abx may be an appropriate action to take.
This morning she is still lively, eating well her poop looks good, she doesn’t seem to be any worse! My prayers are being answered! So far her coop mates are showing no signs ….😎.. I really don’t want to use ABX .. so hopefully pouring the natural approach hot and heavy will make her well and the others from getting it! What I don’t understand is.. all of my waterer and their feed had oregano oil, and in the afternoons they get a treat of fermented feed, I would have thought that this protocol would’ve warded off any sickness
This morning she is still lively, eating well her poop looks good, she doesn’t seem to be any worse! My prayers are being answered! So far her coop mates are showing no signs ….😎.. I really don’t want to use ABX .. so hopefully pouring the natural approach hot and heavy will make her well and the others from getting it! What I don’t understand is.. all of my waterer and their feed had oregano oil, and in the afternoons they get a treat of fermented feed, I would have thought that this protocol would’ve warded off any sickness
Another pullet has a clear nare discharge.. what antibiotic that I can add to water would you suggest?

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