Snowy Mallards...are they the same as Welsh Harlequins?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Oct 12, 2009
A relative newcomer to ducks...

We have had about 4 ducklings over the last month (from 2 orders, small, I know). All have met their demise (respiratory issues, raccoon during daytime, trauma).

I would like to re-order from Ideal, but I note they don't carry Welsh Harlequins. They do have Snowy Mallards. The description of these ducks reminds me a lot of the Harlequin.

Can anyone shed some light on this?

Also, I'm planning on ordering at least 6. Maybe we'll get 2 that will live!

Those are two different breeds, although they have some strong similarities in there color patterns. The mallard is a much smallar duck, which can usually fly. The harlequin is larger, won't fly, and lays many more eggs per year than the mallard.
I hope you have better luck with your next order of ducklings. Experience is a powerful teacher, but you can learn a lot on this forum so be sure to ask a lot of questions.
I have ordered from ideal before. Actually, I got all of my ducks/geese from them when we had a water source other than a baby pool
I had runners from them, rouen ducks (crested/non-crested), cayuga, & khakis. All of my ducks were always very healthy and I never had any trouble. Out of all the times I ordered from them, I only lost 1 duckling. They replaced him n/c to me for anything... Although I did get 12 roosters as packing peanuts - who had the last laugh there??!!!!
The rouens are beautiful ducks to have, and have a mallard pattern (not the snowy mallard, but the "regular" mallard). They also lay nice sized eggs, and mine were quite friendly. Runners are also a lot of fun! My fawn/white runner girl went broody & hatched out 10 babies!! So anyway, my point is, ideal was very good to me & if I ever had the space to put a bunch of ducks, i wouldn't hesitate to order from them. So, unless you're dead set on harlequin ducks, I give Ideal
As DWD said, they are very different (mostly size wise) but, they look very similar color wise since they are almost the same color genotype. It is really probably a matter of whether or not you want full size ducks or little ducks. I have Snowy Mallards and absolutely love them (have had WH as well). You would probably like either or both of them, so I would go mostly on what is important to you. Both breeds can be great.
Thanks for the helpful replies.

I didn't mean to indicate that Ideal was giving me a problem...they are a great hatchery, and only 45 miles from me. That's where all our chickens have come from.

One final question: is the temperament of the Snowy Mallard comparable to the Welsh Harlequin? I like the idea of the smaller bodied duck, as we are renegades in the city with our poultry/waterfowl. Also, are the Snowies as talkative as I've heard Mallards can be?

Thanks again!
If noise is a problem, you might reconsider WH. Of course, I can only speak of my birds, but I found them to be **extremely** loud. Mine were about a hundred times louder than my Mallards. I, personally, love Mallards temperament wise as well. Some of the tamest birds I have ever had were Mallards. I know a lot of people really like the personalities of the WH and mine were really pretty nice birds, but truthfully, I've had friendlier birds. There are so many other factors though, like how many are raised in a group. Really, if you are only raising a few, most will be fairly tame regardless of breed. Some will be tamer than others and some will be louder or quieter than others. I still think you can't go wrong with either breed, but my WH were much louder than my Snowies.

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