So Funny!


10 Years
Jan 11, 2010
When the dry waller came out yesterday we found a wasps nest in one of the door ways. So I went out last night to knock it down. It was on the second floor. So I knocked it down. Went down stairs to go outside and as I opened the basement door something on the cement pad jumped at me!
I jumped back several feet!
Now I did not have any lights on in the house I just had my flashlight.
It was a TOAD! Rotten little bugger came hopping in my house!
I grabbed him and evicted him!

Then I found a second wasp nest in that door way and knocked that one down too.

Toad went hopping around the south side of my house on his merry way.
I'm glad you let the little guy go!
Hope you get your wasp problem under control.

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