So How Are You? =)

hey mark!
how ya feeling?
Thanks i am doing great

Yea i have fell off the wagon a few times but i always get back up and on ... people do diets in ways that fit them witch is very understandable because i myself hardly ever work out LOL i hate it

as for Abby ( the duckling ) she is doing awesome i am gonna buy some fake yellow ducks to put in the water when she has her first swim and i am gonna take pics of it

i want Seramas so bad! they are just to cute in my eyes small and lovable LOL

as for the bator if you don't want to spent alot of money buying one you can always make your own
only should cost you about $20 to make maybe even less than that
I am feeling great!

my illness is slowly going away nicely and healing up good
and i just feel great in general

how about yourself?
I hate spring in Phoenix. The rains last month have made the little mountains around here look like Chia Pets and all those plants are blossoming and blooming and making my eyes watery, itchy, nose all stuffed up and I'm feelin' icky.

Glad you are doing so well Mark! We're all so proud of you!
So glad i don't have bad allergies LOL

Sorry the weather is making you feel icky i hope it pass soon

i am proud of myself to
hi birdboy,
hope you're well.
I was going to start back up on sparkpeople and diet with some bycer's...then I found the recipe threads....oh boy. I don't know what happened.
I am doing always wonderful my friend, yes always happy and smiling like a monky ear to ear, there is nothing to worry about as long as I am trying to do my part in life every day, and thanks God I am really happy.
I hope you are having a great time and everyone else.

Thank yu for this nice thread Birdboy, that's a grea Idea


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