so how do chickens react to change?

how cute is that !! that is so precious, i can just picture it 🥰 ❤️ i loved reading that your kids make mud pies, i was just talking about that the other day and remembering back when i used to do that lol
I had a very happy, very feral and rural childhood with mud pies, farm animals and outdoor adventures, and really want to give my own kids a taste of that as well, as much as I can over here in suburbia. They love running around the back yard barefoot, sloshing though the nearby stream looking for frogs, playing with chickens and having old school fun. I want them to experience that before they get too cool for old school and bury their faces in technology...
haha that’s awesome ! i always joke about getting her a tool belt and hard hat 😆

My :ya chickens always like to help ! Foto from the first year I had my own chickens.
I had a very happy, very feral and rural childhood with mud pies, farm animals and outdoor adventures, and really want to give my own kids a taste of that as well, as much as I can over here in suburbia. They love running around the back yard barefoot, sloshing though the nearby stream looking for frogs, playing with chickens and having old school fun. I want them to experience that before they get too cool for old school and bury their faces in technology...
and that’s what kids should be doing ! it’s so great they are able to experience that, it’s a good, wholesome lifestyle. i think a lot of old school things like that are lost due to technology unfortunately
Building a new roosting area, my girls refuse to go up into it. I put them all up in it, they fly right back down. It's been alot of work and is much better than what they had! I closed the door and told them goodnight. Ha ha hopefully tomorrow will be a better day!
If the end result will be good for them (and more space is always good), then do it. They'll get over it.

Also, it really depends on your chickens. Breeds, personalities, how they were raised. Mine grew up with little kids and were present for and observed the entire construction of their run. Also, I had to have their coop relocated last fall and the run heavily modified, so there was a lot of change and construction going on with them right there. They also lived in my basement briefly. So they are very used to loud noises, tools, lots of fuss and mess, and things changing around them. They did just fine through it all. I wouldn't say that they are afraid of change or new things at all. Rather, they seem to be very curious. They are always up in my face examining everything I bring in, trying to peck at the spinning drill bit, climbing on my ladder, patrolling new areas to check them out etc. Only the Barnevelders are a bit reserved at first, but the Orpingtons don't give a cluck and want to see and peck everything new. They are also the first to figure out a new arrangement, how to get in/out and so on. I really can't say if it's a breed thing or how they grew up, but they take change very well (unless the change involves snow... Then they'll complain and refuse to come out :lol: ).
Every time I would make a change or alteration I would be supervised and the work inspected, working with your birds under foot is trip, the only squawking was when I would step on a toe. Power tools, hammering didn't phase them in the least.

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