So, how exactly does one train a chicken to pull a cart?


I squeak, therefore I am
11 Years
Jul 5, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
This is a question for LCRT and anyone else who trains trick chickens.

How exactly does a person train a bird to pull a cart or a chariot? Don't they, well, freak out?

Chicken racing is illegal in Albuquerque, but in the spirit of anarchy I'm envisioning illegal Chicken Chariot races at my second annual Guitar-B-Q next 4th of July. Of course, to do that I'd have to get my hens to pull a cart, and run in a consistent direction.
Thats interesting, is this a competition or a get together?

It's when I invite my guitar students and their families to a party in my back yard featuring barbecue, fireworks, and whatever other entertainment I can find. Usually it's of the six-string persuasion, and well amplified.

Since I've got so many more students I may not be able to invite everyone at once.
I found this nefarious evidence on-line...


Now it seems as though the North American chickens each have their own chute and track so they can't cut across. It does a world of good for their concentration as long as the chariot doesn't get hung up. The chutes aren't exactly even. As to the chariot assembly itself, I can't tell for sure but it looks as though each bird pulls the chicken chariot with her tail. You'd think they'd have more power with some kind of harness mechanism.

On the other side of the pond there are no chariots, it's more of a bird foot race, and they can go in whatever direction they like.

I think the better question is....WHY would somebody train a chicken to pull a cart?
It sounds like a riot! Makes me recall when we did mean things to our cats...dressed them up, put them to bed, forced them to tea parties... put tape on the bottoms of their paws for a good laugh. Those were the days.

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