So how many eggs can you really fit in a Brower??


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jan 4, 2012
Sheboygan, WI
I just picked up a Brower top hatch and got a little overboard ordering eggs, like no one has ever done that. If everyone sends exactly what I have ordered I will have 48 eggs, RIR, Bramas, Sussex, Polish, and Americauna all large fowl. I know I am going to have to dig out the Turn-x to fit the extras that most ship, but I am worried I may run out of room between the two, I can fit 16-18 large fowl in the turn-x, so can I fit 40+ in the Brower?
I don't really know how well the new top hatches work, but the old THI10 Top hatch incubator that I have is crud, but I recently took it apart, and rewired the thing. I am using a different thermostat too. I am using a bi-metal thermostat. I think I will be posting pictures of it on my page. I would also recommend that you be ready to have something to cover it. I don't do it to my top hatch, but I have done A LOT of modification to it. I have a thread of it right now. I think that the turn-x is a really good incubator though. Is it the small dome covered type.
Yes the turn-x is the dome one, but it is old and starting to show its age. The auto turner has made up its own index points and the fan is not happy when you start it up, but sounds fine after it is up to speed.

As for the Brower, I am finding out it is not the greatest. Could not figure out why it was not maintaining them, figured out it was cooling off at night when the temp in the house is turned down, I just covered it with a couple of towels. It does not help that I bought it used and found out afterwards the turner is broken, but at least it is easy to turn by hand.

I am waiting on the rest of the parts to build the cabinet incubator which will be the hatcher for this year. Since my other hobby is wood working it should not be that hard to do.
Yes the turn-x is the dome one, but it is old and starting to show its age. The auto turner has made up its own index points and the fan is not happy when you start it up, but sounds fine after it is up to speed.

As for the Brower, I am finding out it is not the greatest. Could not figure out why it was not maintaining them, figured out it was cooling off at night when the temp in the house is turned down, I just covered it with a couple of towels. It does not help that I bought it used and found out afterwards the turner is broken, but at least it is easy to turn by hand.

I am waiting on the rest of the parts to build the cabinet incubator which will be the hatcher for this year. Since my other hobby is wood working it should not be that hard to do.

If the turner is broken, You will want to take the black base off of the bottom of the incubator. I had to take the base apart. (It wasn't hard)
I cleaned off all of the gears, the original lubricant, had gotten really hard, so I just got a screw driver to clean out all of the little crevices filled with dried lubricant, I put some fresh lubricant on, and the egg turner is working perfect.
If the turner is broken, You will want to take the black base off of the bottom of the incubator. I had to take the base apart. (It wasn't hard)
I cleaned off all of the gears, the original lubricant, had gotten really hard, so I just got a screw driver to clean out all of the little crevices filled with dried lubricant, I put some fresh lubricant on, and the egg turner is working perfect.

I wish mine could be that easy. I had the bottom off and it is a stand alone turner motor and the shaft the comes out of the center is snapped off. The bator was supposidly only 1 year old so either this is new to this model or it was damaged and some modifications done to it.

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