So I ordered some eggs....


10 Years
Apr 1, 2013
In the woods
We started out with 3 Pearls. Then last year our hen set, so more pearls. I decided to order some eggs of a different color. I'm new to the hatching your own so I thought it could be fun.
I also had a couple from our hen sitting on the counter in a casserole dish thinking I'd put them in with the new eggs.
Then I received an email saying they weren't shipping til after the weekend, fresher eggs, less time in transit, he explained.
Well not wanting the two casserole ones to spoil I put them in the incubator.
One hatched! I wanted to share his/her cute little face :)
Hopefully more pictures to come, of the ones due next week. In the meantime, meet Sugarplum.

Well it's definitely a blue gened keet... but the way the head markings look in the 2nd pic, and how white the wings look makes me think Coral Blue. It's hard to tell from those 2 pics tho. I'm not seeing see a wide center head stripe that would indicate it's a Lavender, and if the wings are pure white all the way to the shoulder and it had broken squiggly head markings, then yah, it's a Coral Blue. If the wings are grey and the center head strip is wide, then it's a Lavender.

Here's one of my Lavenders next to one of my Coral Blues.. maybe that will help you figure out what you have?
Well it's definitely a blue gened keet... but the way the head markings look in the 2nd pic, and how white the wings look makes me think Coral Blue. It's hard to tell from those 2 pics tho. I'm not seeing see a wide center head stripe that would indicate it's a Lavender, and if the wings are pure white all the way to the shoulder and it had broken squiggly head markings, then yah, it's a Coral Blue. If the wings are grey and the center head strip is wide, then it's a Lavender.

Here's one of my Lavenders next to one of my Coral Blues.. maybe that will help you figure out what you have?
Well I took her to take another picture and can't find my camera...compliments of my still sleeping daughter I'm guessing :/
Okay the striping on the head is more like the one you have on the right. Then there's a little buff/light tan color on the back of the neck. then the lower back has a little like ur one on the right. But her wings, underside etc are very white. Unlike the pearl baby I have that is more yellow on the underside.
I've never had any kind of guinea but the pearls. So I'm exited to know what this one is :D
Thanks for your help guys!
Sounds like a Coral Blue to me then, with the broken head stripes... Post another pic when you can.
Congrats tho! And be forewarned... all the different colors/varieties can become addicting REALLY QUICK, lol.
:) I love our guineas so I think I may just fall into that addiction :) My hubby calls them the blue headed freaks

They are just too comical!
Here are a couple more pictures.

She/he is very sweet and wants attention all the time. While the other (the pearl) that was born a week prior is psychotic. I can't put them together he tries to eat her feet his own feet and anything else. you stick ur hand in his cage and he comes running - to eat it! He makes me laugh! This one is only a few days old so I'm sure it will be just as crazy eventually!

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