So... I suddenly have a rabbit.


7 Years
Jun 29, 2012
Earlier today I was walking to my parents' house and spotted something huddled in the cold, wet rain alongside the road... it was a little black and white rabbit! It let me approach and pick it up, so I gathered up the soggy little thing and brought it home. Here's the problem--as much as I know about chickens, I know very, very little about rabbit care. I do intend to keep this little guy (or gal) and take care of it, but I was wondering if anyone could offer me a crash course in rabbit care. I'm especially interested in knowing the DON'Ts. It's been a long time since I have had a pet rabbit around, and pretty much all I remember is that they shouldn't be allowed to get too hot (which isn't too much of an issue right now.)

Thanks in advance for your help!
Poor thing! Sounds like it was dumped or escaped from a hutch.

Keep it dry, give it grass and maybe some rabbit pellets. Give it some wood (they like apple tree branches I think) to keep its teeth down to the correct length.

They can be litter trained even more easily than cats, if you want to let it "free range" in your house.
Well, you'll need rabbit feed and hay for sure. Hay is important for long term health of digestive system and teeth. You can even litter train a rabbit like cat if you want a house rabbit... I can't think of the don'ts right now, but I know food is an important aspect of care so be careful about feeding them people food.
It easily could have been either. I know people buy rabbits as Easter gifts this time of year, and a lot of them end up "set free" when the novelty wears off. It could have also escaped--there are plenty of houses around where I found it. It's lucky I was the first critter to happen upon it--there are a lot of loose dogs in this town, and even if a dog didn't get to it, I doubt it would have lasted long in this rain.

I'll pick up some rabbit pellets after work. Grass I have in abundance, and I've given it some fresh vegetables--carrots, bok choy, and celery. According to the page I found, those are all safe for rabbits to eat, but let me know if I'm wrong.

All that's left is to find it a cage. The one I have is busy as a chick brooder at the moment. lol
So right now I have the rabbit in a pet carrier with a towel to lay on, food, and water... When I get a cage for it, is it ok to line the bottom with pine shavings, or what else should I use? Will it want a box for privacy? I'll get it a piece of wood later--dad just trimmed his apple trees, so that will work just fine.
We had a tiny bunny show up in our backyard a few years ago. We were on vacation and our house sitter found it. It was so adorable! We kept it and raised it. My husband said that he heard a rumor that a neighbor had a bunch in her yard that she raised for meat so it probably got away from them. Good luck! It's very important that bunnies have almost constant food to munch to keep their digestive system going. If the bunny hasn't pooped in many hours it's almost a sure sign they are in distress. Grass, weeds, veggies, hay and feed. Grass seems to almost always fix that problem if you catch it early. I only say this because my very first bunny didn't poop for three days before I started to worry. I rushed her to the vet and by day 4 she was dead. I had no clue that there should be an almost endless supply of poop coming.
Good to know. She hasn't pooped since I brought her in, but she's also clearly stressed out. I saw her nibbling on some of the veggies earlier, but I'll get some grass now that the lightning has eased up.
If she let you pick her up she is clearly domestic. I would make sure no one is missing their rabbit, especially if its a little kids. Maybe put found posters up in the neighborhood?

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