So mad


12 Years
Jun 9, 2011
My drake is starting to make me mad.After I rescued him from my neighbors I saw him back there!He escaped my chicken yard and was out with his old wife.

ETA:Found how he got out.
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Get a grip. Seriously, you are going to kill the drake for doing exactly what ducks do? If someone cut your fence, I can guarantee you that it wasn't the drake who did it. Ducks are entertaining, but they aren't tool users.
Um, were your neighbors in on the rescue or are they cutting holes in your fence so they can get their duck back?
Yeah his son's friend just doesn't care what gets out his hole allowed a dog to get in and chase my geese i have fixed it just waiting till tonight so I can catch them.

ETA:It is my duck he just likes there pond.
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I'm sorry to hear about the vandalism. There's not much I hate more than people that don't respect others' property. I hope you catch them red-handed.

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