So... my girl started laying YAY! But is this a double yolk'er?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Oct 7, 2008
Bay Area, CA.
My Cayuga started laying about a week ago and yesterday she laid the same size egg as the one to the right (that's actually the egg she laid today). That one was cracked though so I opened it in a bowl and there were two yolks connected and fertilized. Is this happening cause she just started laying for the first time? Is this common? Should I get rid of this egg? Or would twins survive? Help!

Double-yolkers can happen with new least in chickens. Don't see why it would be different for ducks. Someone even hatched some double yolkers.
My old pekin Omlet layed double-yolked eggs all through out her laying, I once got two double yolkers from her that were both fertilized by my runner drake, both had twins but I um...*ahem* accidentally killed them both

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