So new! Hi there...

:welcome :frow Sad to say it's just a matter of time before your birds are discovered by predators especially since they sleep in a tree. You may go for quite a long time but eventually they will be discovered. Good luck and have fun...
Yeah. Thx for reminding me. The small neighbourhood where the chickens are is the territory of a very large dog that freely walks around. He won't do anything against the chickens (at least I believe so, and he knows he's not allowed to enter the grass field) , but I hope he keeps most predators away. However, something I didn't mention is that I did loose 1 chicken and 1 chick a couple months ago. They just vanished without a trace and I don't know what happened. For the time being though it's complicated to put a fence there. There're defenitely some feral cats that enter the field though.

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