So proud of my girls!

Southern Ground

In the Brooder
6 Years
May 8, 2013
DFW, Texas
Was letting the girls (Five 6 week old WLRC ) free range a bit last night while I was working in the yard-They had gotten out of my sight, but I could still hear them when all of the sudden they started making a LOT more noise and I could tell they were in distress. I peeked out from behind where I was working and as soon as they saw me they came running as fast as they could and huddled between my legs. They are usually not so friendly! I looked around to see what was causing them alarm and saw a feral cat slinking away in the bushes. Made me proud that they know I am their "Momma" and also made me realize that I need to do a better job of watching out for them!

Just wanted to share
Congrats! :)
Ive been looking for info on how to start letting the flock free range and haven't found much.I don't have a run on my coop and I live in the country so I don't need to contain them. I have a couple 3wk old girls that id like to get outside for a bit. One comes to me freely, the other doesn't. I'm afraid they wont know where to go 'home '.
Would you mind sharing what you've done? I'm new to this! :confused:
I let my 10 week olds out to free range for the first time yesterday. I wasn't sure what to expect. What happens if you let them out and the scatter and run off? I was pleased to find out that they did exactly what everyone here describes.....The 'alpha' was the first to venture out. The rest followed. They seemed thrilled to have fresh supply of grass and stuff to explore. They didn't scatter or run off and when I ready to get them back in, I threw some scratch in the run and they came running back in! I was so happy.
Now I have to figure out how to free range them with the dogs loose.
My flock has learned that I am the source of treats, so they will run to me and follow me if I have anything in my hands that they think is food. Once one of them sees me and starts running, the others follow. This works very well when I want them to go back to the coop/run! I have noticed that the younger ones don't venture as far as my older hens and tend to stay closer to the coop.
We have been putting ours out in the yard since they were about 10 days old. They are out whenever we are outside so generally evenings and weekends. Haven't quite got them to go back into their run on command yet, but we're working on it.
Not sure if I could trust my girls to come back yet. I want to free range. Im still getting them "trained" to come running for treats. They come out of their hiding spot under the coop when I give them warm oatmeal. Then I can grab them and put them inside the coop.

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