When our Spotty decided to goof off with her clutch, I saved them and relocated them to the incubator. 8 went into lockdown. Last night 2 failed the float test but I gave them too now. Of the 8, I could see/hear one pecking inside and 2 are zipping. A 4th I could just barely se emoving within the egg, with no signs of internal PIP. The other 4 I (re)float tested and all are 4 are dead. I PIP'd for the active one and it looks pretty dry, so i moistened it, took the top off the egg, and it's back in the bator and peeping. The 2 zipping I left as-is. The one barely moving I PIp'd for, located what I thought was a bill, and PIP'd the inner membrane with minimal bleeding. However, I think I pip'd t the wing so I decided to go ahead and explore, still with what I consider minimaal bleeding. I thought I saw a foot/claws but then noticed it was gasping for breath. The poor little thing has a terribly deformed bill, all squished up like a bulldog with it's tongue flopped to the side. I have no idea if it will make it or not, or be able to eat or drink. I decided to give it a chance, took the top off the egg, moistened the membrane, and it's in the bator. If it can make it out of the egg I'll give it a chance to live.
These ducks are pretty special to us, being the offspring of our beloved flock of 4. Perhaps they are siblings and the gene combo isn't so good. The 2 I've hatched over the past few weeks seem perfect, and no noticable deformities on eggtopsy of the lost 4.
I just feel so bad for little Bully.
If Bully makes it I'll take pics tomorrow. It's so sad.

I just feel so bad for little Bully.
If Bully makes it I'll take pics tomorrow. It's so sad.