I found out when I became pregnant with my 1st and only son that I have stage 1b1 cervical cancer.
. I have been through radiation since November, and it didn't work. Now on Wednesday I go in for a total Hysterectomy. But on the bright side I have a wonderful son, and have decided to get back to eating the way we were ment to. This year I started growing all my own veggies, and started raising my new little chcken friends. I am realllly trying to go organic because I want to live long enough to see my son grow up.
They found it early so that's good. Enjoy that boy!
I have watched my son grow into a big strong teenager over night, so don't blink!
thank you 3goodeggs.
My son is growing like a weed. everyday he seems to be getting bigger, and growing up. and i am very thankfull they caught it as early as they did.
. Wish me luck on my operation on wednesday. and I hope for a quick recovery so I can get back to playing with my not so little boy. :)
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Seen them all. Some of us are close to being vegetarian, if not vegan. I eat nearly all organic because of my multiple severe allergies. I have also lost nearly 80lbs in since Jan. 2012 on purpose. I know our food supply is leading to multiple deaths due to disease caused by it's consumption. Buy from local organic farmers and meat producers is the only way to go. The government is ok with companies like Monsanto poisoning us, but I'm not.

The government is also okay with certain truths being suppressed and denied. Not all of them have to do with our food and health. That is a big reason why I am going back to basics as much as I can.
It took a few days, but I read the entire thread. I really admire the fortitude displayed by so many. And the support of so many is so helpful. I was diagnosed w/ uterine cancer & had my hysterectomy in the beginning of May 2010. After the operation, my DR said I was at Stage 3C but only a grade 1. I had a CT scan & there weren't any obvious spots, so I went against their advice & didn't do any chemo or radiation. I had watched my neighbor die from the aggrssive treatments she received after her diagnosis of breast cancer. The surgery got it all, but they went ahead w/everything they could throw at her and she had a very hard year or so-most of it in a convalescent hospital. That was a big deciding factor for me, and while my DH said he would support my decision whatever it was, he later admitted he could not have watched me go throught that. Also, since my job was physical, I was already being threatened w/dropped coverage if I didn't get back to work. DH was already out of work due to an injury & his workman's comp was cut off at about the same time I was given my diagnosis.

So, I went back to work, & my life & started looking for a way out of the rat race. We bought a place in AZ, sold our CA home, & moved after I retired (early) at the end of 2011. So far no further indications of cancer & it's been 3 years. I try to eat healthy, but the $$ is dwindling fast as we are still fighting to get his SS disability. If we get that we could make ends meet &our next hearing is scheduled for the 22nd of July. It's sad how money isssues & medical issues get all tangled up. I pray for all of you & hope you will add me to your prayers also.\

I had chickens for most of the 35 years I lived at my last home, but there are so many predators here, that we don't have any here yet.
I have two brothers who have had cancer the past few years. Both have had a pretty major battle, (in a nutshell) with episodes of being cancer free, and then the cancer returning. Currently, my oldest brother switched to his younger brother's doctor, and he has had a steady improvement since then, so praise God for that. But my other brother, he went through hot chemo, and the accompanying surgery, got back on his feet and was steadily recovering, re-opened his office and was preparing to start life again, when he found that he had a new tumor behind his lungs. He told me in an emotional conversation a few weeks ago that he does not expect to live long. He has declined hugely. Tomorrow my family and our close friends are gathering for dinner, my sister came home from out of State to see everyone...but we all know that it is a farewell dinner for my brother. He is 64 years old. It is very hard to deal with. I have managed mentally to tuck it into a place where it's sort of not in my face, but it's a very hard thing to have to deal with for us, and I just cannot imagine how cancer victims deal with cancer, period. God bless you all.
I just recently lost my uncle to cancer. He has fought a major battle, with cancer going and cancer coming again. I admire how brave everybody is- it takes a lot to pull through.
got home from my hysterectomy yesterday.feel like i got run through a wod chipper, but all in all i am doing ok. Huggs and prayers to every one on this thread. hears to fast and safe recovry.

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