So, they don't play follow the leader very well ! ! EGG on GROUND

math ace

10 Years
Dec 17, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I collect 10 eggs a day. The last hen to start laying is insisting that she lay her egg on the ground. The other 9 hens all lay in one of the four laying boxes.

I have 2 EE hens and one of these girls insists on laying her egg on the ground.

WHAT DO I DO to get her to use the boxes like everyone else ? ? ? ?
when you see her starting to lay around pick her up and put her in the box. if she gets back out right away, i will block the entrance so she has to lay in the box. Once they do it once, she will usually be broke. Thats what i do and have very good luck with it.
hope that helps.
Yesterday - - - I found two eggs on the ground. One of the hens who has always laid in the boxes laid on the ground.
Today - - - no eggs on the ground. Everybody laid in the boxes.

We were wondering if the EXTREME heat of over 90 each day was causing them to lay on the ground. You know how they dig in the dirt to get cooler - - - -

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