So what would you do?


Free Ranging
17 Years
Jan 26, 2007
central Ohio
I can't stop thinking and talking about this, and the more I talk to others, the more outraged and hurt I am. So, I'm trying to figure out what to do here. Here's the story.

We had our cat Inky for almost 14 years. He was, literally, the most personable, intelligent cat I think we have ever had. He was involved in every segment of our lives, especially mine. He was my shadow. He was always wanting to play, and/ or be involved in whatever we were doing. If we were playing board games, he'd want to play too. If we were at the dinner table, he had his own place at the table, and he'd sit there politely the whole time. If I was doing laundry, he'd lie on top of my folded laundry so that I would have to pet him. He waited in front of the fireplace on Christmas eve, watching his stocking. We loved him. I could go on and on, but you get the picture.

When he was around 11 years old, he developed a hyperthyroid issue. We paid for a radioactive iodine procedure for him at Ohio State University vet clinic, which did slow his thyroid down, but did not correct the problem entirely, so he was still on thyroid meds every day. He had to go in every six months or so, sometimes more, so our vet could monitor his thyroid levels. In the past year, our vet expressed some concerns about Inky's rapid heart rate; he thought it was from the thyroid, but couldn't be sure it wasn't just from the stress of the vet visit. He told me that, at some point, Inky would succumb to his thyroid issues and have organ or heart failure, but that for now, he was fine.

So, last week, we noticed Inky was acting a little odd. We finally noticed that he had several abscesses in his body, obviously from a cat fight or something, they were bites. This is pretty common, but I was worried, as he was obviously ill, so I called our vet last Saturday. They are only open half day on Saturday, but they took him as an emergency. The vet did a nice neat job cleaning and stitching him. He said Inky had a lot of necrotic tissue, and a fever, they'd had him on Iv antibiotics, but that he thought he'd be fine. They were impatient for me to come get him at 11:30, they wanted to leave, the office was packed, they had clients everywhere picking up their animals, it was busy. Inky was sound asleep when I arrived. This vet has never before released an animal to us that was unconscious, and we've been going to him for over 20 years. Inky was in his carrier, covered with a light sheet. The vet came in, uncovered him, and commented that it had been two hours since they did the procedure. He shook Inky a bit and there was a slight response. So he (basically) pushed me out the door, said to give him pain meds when he woke up, etc. My first thought (although I didn't say it) was "what do we do if he doesn't wake up". I took Inky home, and...well, he never woke up.

We are devastated and hurt. I can't help but think that if he had been monitored at the vet's, until he woke up, he might have survived. I did call the following Monday and talked to a staff member who answered the phone. Other than to say she was sorry and that she would tell the vet, there was not much conversation. I have never received any follow up from their office, although it's been a week today. No sympathy card, nothing.

I really don't want to quit using this vet, but I'm just not sure what to do. People have made suggestions from writing a letter to him, going in to talk to him, even going to talk to a lawyer. I What would you do? Anyone? I don't know if monitoring would have made any difference, or if it was just a combination of factors, and I'm not sure how much was actually the vet's fault...maybe i'm overreacting??

Sorry this is so long, I'm just curious to see what anyone else thinks.
Honestly, the vet has been unprofessional. Naturally you are upset over the loss of your pet as well as the way you were treated.

That being said, I do not believe that had your cat stayed at the vet longer it would have made a difference. When it is time, it is time. You cat would have been monitored until he passed, but monitoring the cat further probably wouldn't have helped him to wake up. The procedure was over, they were no longer medicating/sedating him. I hope your vet clearly outlined the risks of surgery on an older cat with health issues prior to the surgery.

I know none of this makes it any better. :hugs You did what you could do for Inky. It sounds as if he needed the surgery if he was to have any chance of being ok, so you gave him the best chance you could, and although he did not fully come back around, he was able to pass at home with the family.

I would call the vet office and ask to schedule a time to come in and speak to the vet. It is likely to be emotional, so I'd make some notes in advance of any questions you wish to ask and points you would like to make. If you are disappointed in the way you were treated, be sure to let them know. If you are uncertain about that the treatment/surgery was the best option, be sure to ask. You have a relationship with your vet and have paid for his services for years, he should be there to address your concerns. Hang in there.
So very sorry. It's never easy no matter how our fur babies pass.
I dont think a lawyer will do anything but drain your bank account.
I think you should talk to the vet. Your Inky should have been awake before released no ifs ands or buts about it!
They did not handle the surgery recovery properly. Would Inky still be alive if they had, we will never know. Likely with his medical issues, he would have passed but that's still a guess.
You need to get your questions answered in order to be able to heal from your loss or at least to heal your doubt. Then you need to do whatever is needed to help you get over the loss
Do keep the good memories at the forefront and know that 14 is a lot of life and that Inky had a great life and oh so much love.
Thank you, I appreciate all the input. Here's one of the hundreds of pics of him...where he's competing for my attention with the phone and computer in my home office... officeclosedtoday.jpg
I believe your vet was/is very insensitive. He may not have been able to help Inky even if he had been there, however shuffling you out the door was unprofessional and insensitive. I would find a new vet.
I am very, very sorry for your loss and for the trauma and anger the vet and his staff have caused you and your family. Speaking to the vet may very well help because in order to grieve, you will need to get past the hurt and anger caused by his insensitivity.
Again, I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved pet.
I'm so sorry for your loss, you've been a wonderful caretaker for him over those many years.
Do go in and talk to your veterinarian about this, he must be upset too. Hindsight is always perfect, sadly.
Was there an emergency hospital available? Hindsight, again.
So sorry,
There were other (emergency) hospitals we could have used, and had our vet's office said they were too busy to take Inky that day, I would have gladly paid the extra money to take him to one of the emergency clinics that are in our area. But, they said they could take him. They were, in that sense, trying to do me a favor, and they did not charge me an emergency fee. I preferred to take Inky to our own vet, just because I thought it would be easier for everybody concerned, including him. I kind of wonder if the staff member I talked to on the following Monday even bothered to relay the message to the vet. Probably, but all the more reason I should try to talk to him. Yes, I'm sure he feels bad every time he loses an animal, although I think as long as he's been doing it, he's had to develop a pretty thick hide. You would have to, in that profession.

Thank you for the kind words, everyone. We will be a long time healing.
You take as long as you need and do what you need to help you thru. Dont let anyone diminish your loss. I was greiving the loss of my best 4 legged friend ten years when I decided to get a tattoo of her to help me get over the loss. It helped some. Do what you need to do too help you thru.
I am truly sorry for your loss. However, even if he had stayed at the vet's with all his health issues, it probably wouldn't have made any difference. That said, you really need to discuss with the vet what you have said here. It sounds like the vet and staff were overwhelmed that day and you and your cat paid the price. If you are uncomfortable talking to the vet and staff in person, write a letter and say what you said here. If nothing else, it may help someone else.

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