So what's everyone making for Thanksgiving???


12 Years
Mar 9, 2008
Bloomsburg, PA
I don't know if anyone has started a thread for this but I like to see the different things people make for Thanksgiving.

I'll go first,

I'm making a turkey my DH killed and is full of BB's.

potato filling, somewhat like my MIL use to make
sweet potatos
my own corn
home made buns
and pumpkin pies and pumpkin rolls
I'm sure I'll have more I just can't think of anything else
maybe you all will give me some idea's.
Ours is pretty much the same each year. We have:
the 10-12 pound (usually honeysuckle white
) turkey from the store;
mashed potatoes with gravy (the turkey gravy in a jar...can't remember the brand, but it is oooooh so good!);
broccoli or a 'medley' of broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots;
candied yams I guess they're called
whole kernel corn;
brown and serve dinner rolls;
stuffing (NOT in the bird!
cranberry sauce (of course!);
we might have a small ham as well, I haven't decided for sure on that one
usually pumpkin pie, but I forgot to get pumpkin!
So it will most likely be sweet potato pie, which is just as good
Some kind of 'fruit' pie, probably cherry (might turn it into a cheesecake, haven't decided yet
I'm sure more will be added, It's almost a week away yet!
Well, we're having a huge family dinner with tons of dishes, but I'm making:

1 of the turkeys
broccoli casserole
cranberry chutney/sauce
mac & cheese

my family is making:
sweet potato casserole
corn casserole
mashed potatoes
various desserts

and I'm sure some other things I can't think of.
Ours was tonight:

Turkey, pastured, located thru local harvest.
Stuffing (bell pepper, onon, garlic and rosemary)
Sweet potatoes, 1/2 with marshmellows, 1/2 without
Green bean cassarole (cream of celery soup, has better texture)
Pecan pie
Roasted mashed potatoes (roast them first for better flavor)
Cranberry orange jelly

I cook it all myself.
My husband and I don't have kids, so we usually just eat at his parents' house with his family. He has a big family, so it's usually a blast. This year they are having Thanksgiving dinner on Friday, because that's the day everyone can be there. So my husband and I are having our own little Thanksgiving dinner. The menu will probably be:

Smoked turkey breast (store bought...I'm not that industrious to make my own smoked meats!!)
Homemade stuffing with sausage
Homemade no-knead rolls
Either creamed corn or roasted carrots, maybe both
Strawberry torte (basically strawberries mashed with sugar, layered with graham crackers, walnuts, and fresh whipped cream)
Homemade cherry pie

We may pick up a bottle of wine or two before the big day, maybe not.
I am hosting for the first time this year, we will be having:

Gluten roast for us vegetarian types

a turkey from my co-op which my cousin (a chef) will be cooking, he said something about "not wanting to be a vegetarian's guinea pig"

home made gravy, both meaty type and veggie style

a sweet potato & carrot puree courtesy of my cousin

homemade rolls courtesy of my Mom

mashed potatoes

homemade stuffing - I have to figure out how to make croutons first, that will be done this weekend

some sort of cranberry dish yet to be determined

pies: pumpkin, apple and a berry

homemade whipped cream

some kind of green vegetable matter, also yet to be determined

lots of laughter
Let's see.....we will be having.....

the 25 lb. Turkey that is now hogging up my freezer

Home-Grown Mashed Taters w/ Gravy (made from the turkeys own juices)

Home Grown Green Beans

Home Grown Corn on the Cob

Herbed Stuffing

Fried Okra (thank you gristar)

Deep Fried Green Beans (for an appetizer) these are delicious dipped in Ranch dip

Homemade Yeast Rolls (Gumps Recipe)

Pumpkin Pie & Cherry Pie both with homemade crust

Iced Tea (sweet) & Water

Probably more could be added but this sounds might near pretty darn tasty
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I just tweaked the menu:

Turkey breast
sweet tater casserole
mashed taters and gravy
fried okra (because it was the only veggie everyone could agree on, though I might try to slip a squash casserole past DH)
cranberry sauce (not the yucky canned kind)
cheesecake w/strawberries (DSD's birthday "cake")
pumpkin pie
yeast rolls

Plenty enough food for the four, maybe five, of us.

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