

10 Years
May 25, 2009
Lake Placid FLorida
...I saw my Black magpie male courting with my blue magpie female.. Im not sure how old she is because I got her at a auction 2 months ago. She layed straight out on the water and started making that "eh eh eh" quacking sound for him. So shes old enough... But when am I gonna start to see some eggs???
and will she set them?

I have never seen ducks mate or seen the courting thing...but i had this visual...that was pretty funny.
AWWW!!! I love my female magpie, I wish I could find a male for her
Not sure when you will be seeing eggs .... how old did she SEEM when you gto her fromt he auction? My magpie was the first and earliest to lay out of my ducks ( not including buffs ). SHe laid at about.... 17 weeks? I mean it was SUPER early.
LOL yeah, I was sitting there outside the pen watching them play in the water, My grown magpie male King was on the opisite side of the pen, She stretched out in the water and starts making that sound and good lord I never seen a duck run that fast LOL! he practically flew from one side to the other and im just sitting there like

and goat_walker im not really sure, if id guess though she might be about the same age as my ducks I got from TSC back in march
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