Soap Makers Help!

But it's all lumpy now. What will happen to it? Will it just have a funky texture or will it just be bumpy on the top?

The soap on the whisk is completely hardened already.

Looking forward to pictures. Thanks.
Wait till you cut it. I think you will like the rustic appearance.

The milk solids and fat react with the lye and can make it thick.

Milk, honey and oats caused it to super heat and go to gel.
What would have happened if I hadn't stirred it? Would it have been wrecked? What would I have seen if it was going bad? I'm not giving up on milk based soaps, but it would be nice if I knew what I was looking for.
It will have LOVELY swirls on top only.

I'm soaping RIGHT now....and taking photos as I go along. Give me about a half hour....I'm pouring right now.
IMO stirring it saved it. Your first picture looks scortched to me...I think it got too hot. When I gel it never gets this brown...I do get the brown center...but it is MUCH lighter....and the tops never get dark brown.

I use goatsmilk in all my soaps so I can skip the insulation...

I was wondering if your drawer could fit in your frig...

I've got a ton of pictures coming....just about to start whisking mine.

Here is what your soap will look like after cut...
It depends on how solid the soap is....I'll cut my citrus soaps a week AFTER....because citrus is tricky and takes longer to harden. I slice at 48 hours most of the time though.
That rustic look is kind of cool looking. OK, if mine solidifies in the inside, I can live with the rustic look on the outside.

The drawer is too big to fit in the fridge, at least with everything else in there.

I could put it outside, but it's not really all that cool outside here in So. Cal - low 60s. It doesn't feel that warm when I put my hand up to it, no more so than the water based soaps, maybe even a tad lower than that. It was sitting on a towel, mostly to protect my counter top in case of leakage, but I took it off of the towel to give it a bit more breathing room.

I've been able to cut all my other soaps within the 24 hour mark. I know what that should feel like.

It smells good, so I hope it's OK.

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