Soap Makers Help!

guess I am too excited about getting my shipment today. Thanks MP!!
Thanks for the link and info. The milk I used was already pasteurized, being store bought and all. I could probably find some unpasteurized stuff at a health food store but if it's going to make little difference, I'd rather save the $$. What do you think?

Also a question . . . Since the goat's milk contains fat, should I aim for a lower percentage of superfatting to account for that? None of the info I've read has suggested that, but I thought I'd check with you guys in case.

I pulled the soap from the mold a little bit ago and will cut it this afternoon or evening to see what I've got going on in there. From the outside it looks fine. The lumpiness I was afraid of running throughout appears to only be on the top layer, giving that nice rustic look that MP mentioned. The color isn't bad - sort of a dark beige or light caramel - not offensive to me at all, thankfully. In that link you sent, it's just slightly darker than the left one in the side-by-side comparison. I have hopes that it's going to be OK. It smells good enough to eat!

Thanks for all your help guys! I'll report back in when I've cut it.
IMHO...I'd buy the pasteurized organic goatsmilk at the grocery store. Your time is is your soap. IF you've got the goats to milk...obviously use this with care....and prevent the gel stage as much as possible.

I pulled my oatmeal, milk, and honey out of the is a picture of the loaf...its dark so my photo's are out of focus.

I cut my clean cotton left and lavender right...

Close up of the Clean Cotton top and Lavender bottom...

Here is one of 2 of the molds my DH made...
Thanks Miss Prissy...I just got 2 big bulk orders and I've got 2 craft shows the second week of December. I'm hoping to have enough left over to sell to the 2 farm stands that sell my soap. I'm making Citrus soap and Apple Jack Peel tonight. I'll have enough stock for my shows with these 6 batches!! That is 222 bars of soap!
That sounds heavenly....CAN I order a bar?? I need one of those after soaping for 3 nights in a row....I've got this serious crick in my neck from all the stirring! LOL
I made some goat's milk soap. I put some coffee grounds for some exfolliant and I put too much paperkia for color. It looks like tomato paste. I will see what it looks like in the morning. I used pumpkin spice as my FO.

I love those beautiful soaps!! They look like big blocks of white chocolate or cheese to me ~ lol ~ still can't seem to get past the notion that these soaps are reminiscent of chocolate ~ I suppose thats a melding of my two favorite pasttimes ~ good scent, & good taste!

On another note ~ Can all of you soapers please tell me your lye sources? I went to Lowe's today, and they did NOT have the lye cleaner there!!! I was so dissapointed. And when I asked for it, the ladies at the counter looked at me like I was some sort of meth alien or something. Perhaps I should not have explained that I needed it to make homemade soap. That REALLY floored them. So now I am faced with getting it online. I guess I am wondering about some of the sources I have googled. Camden Grey looks great, but it's expensive & there are forms. The stuff on ebay looks ok, but who knows whether or not it's really just repackaged Drano. Anyway, I was hoping you ladies would help me out here.
Thanks in advance!!!
ps ~ just wanted to add that I won't ask a ton of questions, since there are already so many answered here ( I have read through it :-D)~ I was just hoping for reliable ~less expensive~ lye sources ~ :-D
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