Soap Makers Help!

I thought I would post a couple of pictures. I've been busy making sure I have enough soap for the renaissance festival and for 2 other festivals I have in April.

Here is the picture of the Pink Sugar Soap I made a couple of weeks ago.

Here is the Highlander Soap I made for the Renaissance festival

and a picture of my curing rack. I have about 380 bars on the three shelves.



What has everyone else been up too?
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Just a heads up, you need to make sure that the metal oven racks you are using are stainless steel or else your soaps will develop DOS (dreaded orange spots). I have parchment paper or plastic layed down over my shelves.
Really, the soap should never be stored on metal(unless you know for a fact it is stainless steel) Chrome is bad and so is galvanized. The reson is the metal causes oxidation in your soap making it go bad faster. When I was first testing my recipe, I stuck bars in places all over my house to see if it developed DOS. In a month, any bars that were in places that touched metal had started to go bad while others were still fine.

I wish more soap sites would talk about this more when telling about making soap. I had a couple of batches go bad because of it. I never knew till I started really digging around in soap forums.
The pink Sugar soap discolors to very dark brown because of the fragrance, so what I did was take some of the soap batter (no scent) and I added titanium dioxide for the swirl. But my scented batter thickened up on me and so the swirl got mixed in to much to be a very defined swirl. But, what it did do was lighten the scented batch, so it looks like I have dark brown, lighter brown and off white swirls that look kinda like marble. Not what I was first going for, but it did turn out pretty. Smells yummy too!

Since there are 406 pages to this thread
I am posting a question that has probably already been asked but the idea of going thru 406 pages is quite daunting.

Does anyone have a good goat-milk soap recipe to share? I have a decent "basic" one but it doesn't lather as well as I'd like plus could be a bit more nourishing. Not real concerned with scents, would just like some that lathers real well and leaves my skin uber-soft.

What is your recipe now? Care to post it?

If you want more lather, coconut or palm kernal oils are the ones you need to add.
Palm, lard and butters will add a creamier thicker lather. Castor is a great oil for bubbles too.

If your soaps need to be more nourishing, you can't go wrong with Olive oil. Rice Bran oil is good too, so long as it isn't too high. Almond, grapeseed, avocado are good ones too.

What superfat % are you doing right now? Have you tried your regular recipe but up the superfat? I use a 8% superfat with my soaps.

Have you ever used a lye calculator? Soap calc is great because it lets you see what your recipe will be like before you make it. Now, take what I just said with a grain of salt. You are never going to know really what soap will be like unless you make it and try it.

Here is a simple recipe that has a TON of lather. The key to this soap not being too drying is the very high superfat, which is 20%.

3 pounds coconut oil (48 oz)
7 oz lye
18 oz water or liquid of choice.

I'll gladly help you tweek your recipe. Let me know what oils you do have access to.
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