Soap Makers Reference Thread

If mod allows the "scent review board" is a feedback place for fragrance oils, essential oils and lip balm flavor oils
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I wasn't sure if we could post links to other forums. If a mod could give the green light I will add it because it is a good resourse.
Thanks for listing us in your soap making suppliers list! For your trouble we have created a coupon just for your group. Please use coupon code BYC09 for 10% off your orders. Or, you can use our free shipping code FREESHIPPING during checkout.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me as I am the marketing director of Southern Garden Scents.

We have just added melt & pour base to our line. This is great for beginner soap makers.
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I think we need to add that Summer Bee Meadow has a recipe resizer for both rectangular and cylindrical molds.

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