soft eggs

cute chicks here

12 Years
Aug 21, 2011
My Coop
My Coop
My chicken Penelope is laying soft eggs just in a membrane and she has a wet looking butt and has been holding it in the air. She has been drinking and eating but not as much a usual and she isn't as lively as usual. I am worried about her. What could be wrong? I give her calcium and also layer food and corn and she gets out daily for grass and bugs.
Sometimes the first sign of sickness is an egg change as its the most taxing thing they must do everyday.
Do you have any pictures her or her poop? And dont think strange, when it comes to poultry the poop is mighty important.

In the mean time get her seperated and when you pick her up check for mites, lice, etc and take a couple photos.
Seperating her means you can control what she eats and does, plus you can get a good look at droppings to see how treatment is progressing.

Good luck and I'll try to keep an eye on your updates and advise as best I can.
Might be egg-binding. Feel the lower portion of the chicken and see if it has eggs stuck inside. A change in diet can help. As can putting stuff like osyter shell grit, or other calcium laden feeds. If it has eggs stuck inside you may have to venture in with a clean finger and remove the obstruction. Egg binding can kill a hen.
I did feel around and I don't think there is an egg stuck. She seems better today, I have been giving as much calcium as she wants. She was acting more herself today but still no normal egg. She didn't lay a shelless one today though so I quess that's good.

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