Soft Shell Advice Sought


Mar 8, 2013
Bakersfield, CA
So I realize this topic has been discussed a million times, and believe me, I've read through many of them. I've tried many things, but still can't seem to shake it. Perhaps I'm missing something?

The back story is my Red SexLink hen has been soft shell laying for about a month or over, geez, maybe even two or three now?? She used to lay daily, or every other day. She's about 16 months old now. She has free choice oyster shell, grit, and layer pellet feed. Twice daily she gets fermented feed.

I have tried feeding plain yogurt, ACV in the water, egg, egg shell, veggies rich in calcium, Tums, and a new mixture of fermented feed. The ferment consists roughly of 2 parts layer pellet to 1 part flax seed, fennel seed, whole oat, lentils, millet and BOSS. I've inspected for mites, lice, worms or creepy crawlies of any type but have found nothing. Her activity level appears normal.

Tonight was the first night I've noticed any behavioral difference. Granted, this week will be triple digit temps (~105, 108F) all week, and the girls are miserably hot, but when I came home from work and let the gals out, she didn't do the normal forage thing. She seemed uncomfortable, stood around with sleepy eyes. After inspection, her bum looked red and swollen. I haven't seen an egg (soft shell) from her in a few days, so I figure she's got one brewing and is having trouble. I gave a little scratch to the girls and she wasn't interested. She's my little piggy bird, so I know something is up then!

I decided to take her to the vet, where they stuck her in a humidity chamber and she laid the soft shell in about 15 minutes, then chowed down on some food. It wasn't my normal avian vet (he's over 4 hours away, and very pricey), but he seemed pretty knowledgable. He didn't have any suggestions either. He also suggested the swelling and redness on her bum was probably from straining. I did find her in the nesting box this morning at 4am, and took her to the vet at 9pm after I got off work and noticed the different behavior, so I would think that would be sufficient time to lay an egg. Possible she strained all day?

I'm just hoping I'm missing something or someone has additional suggestions I haven't tried. I'd like to give her a bit more time before I take her to my vet. He is an avian certified specialist, all he does is birds, I love him to death, and he's great with my parrot... But all that comes with a hefty price tag too. I love my chickens, and for a $2 bird, I can see a few hundred in vet bills... But not a several thousand like my parrot has easily accrued. I guess I'm still hoping it is a metabolic issue, food absorption, nutrient deficiency... Anything but an internal organ malfunction.

Thanks for reading yet another person asking about soft shells and suggesting what she should do?!
Well, I don't really have any answers for you as I have been going through the same thing with my 16 month old Buff Orpington hen. About a month ago she started laying soft shelled eggs.

It was about that same time that I introduced several young chickens so I thought perhaps she was stressed. I made sure that she had constant access to layer feed, oyster shell and I feed yogurt several times a week. I have seen a little improvement with a few thin shelled eggs but I don't think we are out of the woods.

She doesn't appear to be sick, she is eating well and I haven't noticed any abnormal behavior from her like straining etc. I am worried though and of course she is my FAVORITE hen. If things don't improve I am thinking about looking into getting her spayed. I really don't know if that is a possibility or not but I am willing to try if my Vet thinks it would save her.
I'm going to give her another month of tweaking diet here are there. If it boils down to it, I guess I'm taking her to my vet. Yes, you can spay them. My parrot has a cyst on her ovary, right now she is making due with a hormone implant, but if the implant stops working, surgically removing the cyst and reproductive system is the next step. I love my hens, but I struggle with the cost of spaying. A parrot lives a good 35 years if healthy... What's a chicken, 5 years? Especially a Red SexLink. They don't seem to have a great track record, so far as I can read on Backyard Chickens. Hopefully I figure something out. Best of luck to you as well Buffy.
Wow, didn't know that! Well, I haven't actually given ACV in quite some time, however the feed is still fermented in it as the starter culture. Is that still ok? I'll take them off ferment and give them wet mash instead. I will definitely remove the BOSS for now. I'm going to swing by the hardware store tomorrow for a mister. I did put a fan in the run, and they have frozen watermelon on some days. And I wet down areas for them to stand in throughout the day.

Please, by all means, if there are any other suggestions, let me know. I'm doing all I know to do. I left a message for my primary vet, so will see what he suggests. She's got another in her right now that is irritating again. Her bum is red and irritated. :( Poor thing.
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