soft-shelled egg


7 Years
Feb 2, 2013
San Carlos, CA
My BL Wyandotte is finally turning on her egg machine (she's 6mo old). She laid her first 3 "eggs" today: a clump of leathery shell with some yellow and translucent goop (in the morning), then another clump early afternoon, then a fully formed egg probably by 6PM.

Is this last egg edible? its shell is soft and leathery, weird to the touch.

I also have a Barred Rock of exactly the same age that started laying two weeks ago and her eggs have been normal (hard-shelled) from the beginning, Yes, every single chicken is unique in her own ways...
Pullet eggs are weird and wonderful things! And you're right, no 2 hens are the same. Some of mine laid perfectly normal eggs from the start and others have gone from fart eggs to double yolks before figuring it out.

If the egg looks and smells o.k. eat it. Or cook it and feed it back to the hen. I'm sure she won't mind!

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