Soft Shells??

So I had a soft broken egg in the nest tonight.. It was laid in the late afternoon early evening. Never had this happen before. I have just started them back up on the oyster shell they have been back home for 1 week I boarded them for the winter. So in one week I have had 7 eggs at least 4 times (tonight the 7th was soft.) 6 eggs one time 4 eggs 3 x 5 eggs 2x. Again I have never experienced soft shells as long as Ive had the girls. I searched and quickly found which of the seven chickens had a messy bum. I cleaned her up with vetricyn. She is my smallest chicken black australorp hence her name baby. I have noticed that the shells were thinner just recently and just added oyster shell 2 days ago. ( the oyster shell seems awful large rocks wonder if I should crush them more?) Well I'm hoping it might have been a fluke but I will keep a watch on her. I'm hoping we don't have another issue to deal with. I've just treated them with the parasite treatment Eprinex (eprinomectin) as one of the birds had white flecks on her head and it seems to be subsiding. The place where they were staying was probably how a lot of people have chickens, not really what I would say healthy. I heard chickens were easy and I can say I do not agree. It is a pleasure but it is a lot of work and care taking. I take care of them just like pets. I clean the poop every morning under the roost so easy that way seven chickens seven piles with a few extra. I put water in their feed with two separate hanging containers so its clean probably 3 cups of feed make it like a thick mush. They also have their dry feed hanging. I have a hanging bucket in their coop always and two small water containers (clean) on each side of the run probably 1/12 liters total outside that they finish every day. All of the water they get has apple cider vinegar in it. I feed them crickets occasionally boiled eggs mixed with cottage cheese at least 4 times a week. They have one end of the run with fresh black dirt mixed with pot ash that I add to weekly. I do free range probably 4 hours a day as long as I am home. The girls are happy to be home I just hope I can get them back to healthy.
Any and all suggestions on the soft shell broken egg (no blood) is appreciated , thanks in advance.

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