Soft tumors and squishy gizzard?


In the Brooder
Sep 30, 2020
We've been having a problem with getting fresh rotten eggs so been on the lookout for one of our hens being sick. This morning I noticed one doing the penguin stance, she's been acting weird for a while and decided to explore further. All our hens are over 3 years and we really want to refresh our brood but haven't been able been able to find any layers for sale. It wasn't hard to catch her and as I held her by her feet noticed nasty stuff dripping out of her mouth, we quickly took her down and nasty stuff went everywhere. I've looked and it appears she may have had a sour crop or blocked crop but that may have been secondary. As I did a post mortem she had the largest intestines I've ever seen in a chicken! Her liver looked good, color and size. Her heart and lungs as well. As I was removing her intestines however 2 odd shaped firm light yellow blobs came out, one was flat and looked like thick chicken skin, the other was about the size of a silver dollar with an almost 3 tipped shape, also next to her intestines I found 2 "stones" about sesame seed sized, parasites? Also her gizzard was soft and squishy, nothing like I've ever seen before. Unfortunately her eggs were tiny and don't think she was the bad egg layer but would like any suggestions on what could have been her problem and if it's contagious/treatable.
The large yellow blobs were probably lash eggs, which are a product of infection (salpingitis) in the oviduct. Those are usually deposited into the abdomen, but sometimes one may pass in the droppings. Lash eggs are very common in hens, and may be found whenever a hen is butchered. Pictures of your autopsy would have been helpful. It is possible that she had cancer that had affected her intestines. That is also common in hens. Here is a good article about salpingitis and lash eggs:

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