Solar lights for night lights?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 12, 2010
Lake Ontario, NY
My girls are getting too big to have the red heat lamp in their coop at night. It still gets cool- in the 50's, but they are almost 8 weeks and I would like to switch to something different. I just can't leave them with no light at all.

So, I was thinking about putting about 4 of the solar lights that stick in the ground outside the coop, right in front of their window and door. Sort of like a night light...
Do you all think that is a good idea, or should I try something else?
I wish I could put a regular night light in there, but the coop is not wired for electric, and I would really like to get rid of the extension cord!
My girls/boys are almost 9 weeks, they have not had a light (or heat lamp) for over a week (except the one night it got below 40). If that temp happened again right now, I probably wouldn't turn on the light.

Is there any reason why the need a light? I wouldn't imagine solar lights do any good for providing heat, and I would be concerned with messing up their light cycle with it.
I agree that you don't want to mess with their cycle of night and day.
IMO, if they are too old for a heat lamp then they don't need a light period. They're s'pose to be sleeping, not eating or moving around. They freak the first night or two when it gets dark, but they get over it too., I guess the light is more for me...
I mean I am worried about them being able to see a predator and raise an alarm, so that I'll know there's something out there! My mom instincts I guess! (See me jumping the gun and thinking about predators, even though I have not seen a sign of one yet?
I know they don't really need a light, and I know they would be better off without it....
I'll keep it off tonight, and see if I get any sleep with all the worrying I'll be doing!
Thanks everyone!
You could always use some solar night lights if YOU need some light after-dark, but really, it's not necessary. Chickens have pretty poor eyesight in the dark, so I'm wondering if a nightlight would be enough to help them see much anyways.

And don't be worried if they fret tonight. My chickens were fussy for 2-3 nights after I turned off their light. Who knew chickens were afraid of the dark? Make sure your coop is secure, put them up on the roost so they'll learn that it's where they're supposed to sleep and lock their doors as you leave. They'll be okay. And you'll be okay, too.

PS - I have an ancient baby monitor inside my coop because it helps me sleep at night. So you're not too far off base! Hey, whatever it takes!
I put my solar lights in last fall. It was dark when I got home and they made enough light to collect eggs ect. I have a solar motion light infront of the farthest coop so I can see to walk. Works great.

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