Some chickens laying in nest box, some in just the coop?????

The holes are a good idea. I think I'll try that. I also want to use straw, but I don't have any right now. I wondered if that might make a difference. I went out today and had 3 eggs in the nest box. There isn't a rhyme or reason to it. Thanks for the advice. @daxigait I put bricks and buckets in the corners they used and that helped at first. It really helped a lot. That was what made them start using the boxes. They may be confused since they are not used to this coop yet. Do you have a ladder going up to your nest boxes? You might try posting this on your own thread and get better results. I hope someone gives you an answer. I know it is very frustrating.
The holes are a good idea. I think I'll try that. I also want to use straw, but I don't have any right now. I wondered if that might make a difference. I went out today and had 3 eggs in the nest box. There isn't a rhyme or reason to it. Thanks for the advice. @daxigait I put bricks and buckets in the corners they used and that helped at first. It really helped a lot. That was what made them start using the boxes. They may be confused since they are not used to this coop yet. Do you have a ladder going up to your nest boxes? You might try posting this on your own thread and get better results. I hope someone gives you an answer. I know it is very frustrating.
Changes can take time to be accepted by chickens.

Liked the old metal round hole nests, but way too big and expensive for my coop, so I emulated them in wood.
I have back access to gather eggs tho, might be harder in your situation.....
......just putting a 4-6" board across the bottom front might serve you better.

My main nest bank under construction. Compartments are 14" wide x 14" deep x 16" tall.

Portable floor nest...14" wide x 16" deep x 16" tall.
My chickens did this for a while, but the day that I put curtains over the nest box entrances they never did it again.
Strange, but I guess it makes sense, even chickens like a little privacy. haha.
It's not about 'privacy'...that's a human's about safety, they want to lay their eggs in a place 'safe' from predators.
A curtain or smaller entrance to nest can provide that illusion...little do they know that we will depredate their eggs for ourselves :D <evilcackle> hahaha
I think I could do the holes since I gather mine from the outside. I have a door on the top of my boxes. I could also try curtains. That might be easier. Do you have to have tie-backs or can they just hang?
They just hang, I though about tie backs, but I don't think I need them. I just stapled some scrap fabric to the wood, I'm sure I'll have to replace it at some point. Maybe once a year. ..
Plywood front would be harder to make and install than just stapling up some fabric....but easier in the long run.

Watch for loose/unraveling threads on fabric, they may try to eat them or get tangled up in them,....and staples coming loose.
I think I'm going to try the round holes. It's funny, since I started this post they have laid in the nest box everyday.
That sounds about right. A lot of people on the still waiting for that first egg thread would post in frustration or even start a thread about them not laying and right afterward they would start. Chickens

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