Some Interesting Ideas Dealing with Mites


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jan 2, 2011
Upstate, SC

So I've done some research on mites, and despite copious amounts of DE there still seems to be some problems. I've read others swear by Seven Dust and say that permethrin/pyrethrum works infinitely better. I own indoor animals, so I got to looking through my supplies I have on hand for flea control. Drops/bath/carpet spray - all these brands that I have list the main ingredient as permethrin. So guess what I'm doing with my big bottle of flea spray I bought for a dollar. Yup, I'm going to spray my coop from top to bottom and give them all flea baths. Those mites don't stand a chance!
Just yesterday I made a whitewash out of the permethrin powder and pained the interior of my coop with it. I read on an old post here by threehorses that you can do that. Of course, I'm sure using the spray would help just as much since you can get in all the cracks easily. I also dusted all of my girls yesterday. I haven't seen mites, but they can be tricky to find. I have a few girls who have lost weight recently, and I figured I would do that and get try and give them extra nutrition/get their weight back up prior to worming them.

Good luck!
thats a great idea about using perethrin dust as a white wash, especially in the winter when most of us have frozen outside water and can't spray.. I prefer to spray when I can because like you say it gets into all the crevices. I hate the dust, I usually have more on me than the chickens so I use Epernix pour on on my birds, that way I am killing internal and external parasites once.

Yeah, I am coming to not like the DE dust myself. Although, I thought I could just lean down and spray their backs and their butts with the spray. Thank God I don't have neighbors or they would have had a show with me chasing around the flighty game birds with a spray bottle and yelling "STOP RUNNING YOU STUPID CHICKENS!" For stuff like this, having added on to the coop the other week wasn't such a good idea. Those game hens/rooster just won't stand being approached at all no matter how much I net them and hold them. lol

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