Some of my pics!! Page 3

My Millie eggs are veining that are in the bator so I'll meet you somewhere and give you some eggs next time you have a broody or next spring. They are in their own coop because Little Man and Raoul don't like the male and he is a real whimp too but his ladies love him.

OK sounds great!! I will have to do something different with the silkies and baby japs by spring, as well as my ducks, to get pure breeds, but I think they're fine for now. I'm not sure if I have any other pure chickens, except for maybe my dutch banty hen. I'm not sure if she is dutch or OEG. Idk, my chickies are all mixed up!!! But they are pretty either way. My roo throws blue, splash, or black chics though, no matter what color the hen is!! I need my red pyle roos to get busy!!
Here is Our newest edition!!!



Cristian just got the 'Horton hears a who' book from his Dr. Suess membership, so this little guy's name is now 'Horton'. He is a 3 week old pot-bellied pig. Isn't he the cutest??
Okay, more babies!!

There are 3 blue splash dutch, and one blue splash/black dutch in this picture. Also one of the chicks from my dad's chickens. I think it is a light brahma? Or maybe an SLW? I'm not sure! His chickies are all mixed up too!

This is my OEGB Crele cockerel. I hope he gets the real pretty saddle feathers that they have, they are so pretty!

Haven't taken many new pics lately, but I will post as soon as I do!! I have babies hatching right now!!

<edit> This sweet little guy disappeared I will never know how pretty he would have been...
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Ok, here's a pic of the newest babies...


The 3 remaining babies from the last hatch are in there as well. 2 of my blue splash babies were killed by their 'mama'.
I won't do that again...

I just got 5 brand new baby guineas given to me today, but haven't taken pics yet. Oh, also now have a trio of pharoah quail, but no pics of them yet either. I have Texas A&M white cortunix eggs in the hatcher, as well as button eggs. Then there are more of my chickens eggs due Thursday, but mine always hatch early!!! Might just wait till they're all done, then post a whole page of pics!!
I love the pot-bellied pig. He reminds me of what "sucked me in" with my two. Baby pigs are the cutest! My pot-bellies are Harley (she is 16 now) & Karat (she is 13). They are why my login name is "dospuercos". It means 2 pigs in Spanish. I am well known by many in my neighborhood because when people don't know who I am or where I live, I simply tell them I am the one with the pigs & they immediately know who I am & where I live because they have been by my house to visit my pigs. I hope you have as much fun with yours!!
Thanks! I just love him, he is so comical!! I have been working with him to tame him down, hw will let me near him, but still won't let me touch him!

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