Some Pekin advice for a newbie?

I have a question: My Pekins ducklings are very skittish and scared when I put them on my lap. Is there a way to calm them and help them get used to you?
Most ducks really don't like to be held, more than likely being prey they aren't sure what may be getting ready to happen. You might try just letting them be close but not in your lap for a while giving them some tasty treats like dried meal worms or thawed peas. The best way to a ducks heart whether Pekin or Mallard is through it's tummy.
always walk slowly around them and try to stay at their level talking low. How old are your ducklings?
I have a question: My Pekins ducklings are very skittish and scared when I put them on my lap. Is there a way to calm them and help them get used to you?
There's some speculation over this because they are prey animals. However, I have successfully tamed my ducks to the point where they aren't skittish while holding them. (But it only worked for me. They are still very skittish of other people.)

My tactic is quite simple. I made a set time every day to pick them up. (3pm they know.)

At 2pm I remove the food from their cage then at three I take them out and hand feed them. Its ducklings attitude towards me drastically. Now we're at the point where I can keep their food in and still be able to pick them up. They've also taken to crawling into my lap for cuddles! It may or may not work for every duck(s) but it's certainly worked for mine. Its bonding for them. They need to know the can trust you.


Chasing my hand for pets!

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