Some pics of my girls first time free ranging


I got mine as pullets, and they had been kept in large barns and stables with no access to the great outdoors at all.
All of them seemed to wonder what that lovely cool green stuff was that they were supposed to walk around on...
Have fun with your beautiful chooks
Thanks everyone for all the nice comments!

We are having so much fun with them, I never knew chickens would be so much entertainment. I could sit out there for hours and watch them, but then I remember there is housework to be done.

into_my_web the black one is Stella a Black Australorp. I didn't realize I didn't have her name on the pic. She is the sweetest one of the group. She would sit in my lap and preen/sleep for an hour if I would let her. I'm sorry to hear about your baby
we lost one of our chicks the day after they arrived. She was a Salmon Faverolles and she was so cute. I tried to save her but I guess it wasn't meant to be.

Today I sat farther away from the door so that I could be in the shade. They all followed me over as I was walking and then they looked back and realized the door was more than 5 feet away and they all flew back to the door and didn't come out for about 5 minutes. Funny!

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