Some thing old...Some thing new

chicken stalker

TOS Rocks!
16 Years
Aug 31, 2008
Binghamton, NY
Do you have something really old that you are really fond of...something you saved for...made...inheritated..cherish (besides your children and chickens/pets)
? Maybe something new or new to you?

My something barn. It was built between 1840-1890. When we first bought our house we wanted to tear it down but as the years roll on it has really grown on us. Now we are in the mists of saving it.


My something new well is actually old but it is new to us. We are the proud owners of a 1942 Ford Fire Truck, mint running condition. It is really fun to bring to parades and shows because it is the only white fire truck that we know of. White is it's original color. It was built for the Navy but during the war red paint was in shortage because the lead that was used in it was being used for other military purposes. So the trucks were painted white.
Love them both...gorgeous photos of the barn. Glad it has grown on seems worth saving.
Wow nice barn but you might want to fix the horse shoe as right now your luck is running out.

Love the truck, I always wanted a fire truck to water gardens with. I know it sounds crazy but would be too neat LOL
we found the horse shoes on the property and my DH hung them up upside down on accident. Now we don't want to change them because so far we've had pretty good luck
knock on wood
I love your barn but that truck is the stuff dreams are made of!! Thank you so much for sharing..
chicken stalker ;p :

we found the horse shoes on the property and my DH hung them up upside down on accident. Now we don't want to change them because so far we've had pretty good luck
knock on wood

Imagine your good fortune once you turn them upright!​
Really nice barn you have there chicken stalker ;p. What kind of floor do you have (dirt, wood, stone). Does it sit on a stone foundation?
It is a bank barn (built into a bank). The bottom floor is dirt with a dry stack stone foundation. The second floor has a wood floor (no idea what kind it is sooo dirty). In the back corner of the second floor in an old wood screw vise and a small hatch to throw hay dow to the lower level. It is in pretty bad condition, there are some huge holes in the roof thus there is a huge hole in floor. We are going to try to put a new roof on this fall. The whole thing is leaning b/c the stone foundation is pushing inward. I'm sure that would cost a pretty penny to fix.

Anyone have something old something new....

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