Somebody shot my rooster in head with BB gun-need urgent advice please!

He's alive, but I'm afraid he's going to be blind in both eyes...

I spent all day working on my pen and taking care of him, started him on some penicillin.

My husband has vowed that even if he's blind, he's not going anywhere.

I just don't see how he will eat and drink on his own.

He could just also be in shock.

Here's a pic from today, both eyes are like this, and it looks like the inner eye lid is covering his eyes. He won't let me mess with them too much.

After his penicillin he did manage to get stronger and put up more resistance.

Praying he will be ok here in a bit when I let the flock out...
He's our baby and I'm learning what he likes to eat from the dropper.

I tried some if my smoothie this am, that was a no go.

Just electrolytes and liquid fermented food.

I let the flick out and he couldn't manage to get out of the coop so I helped him.

Thanks so much for your replies! I love BYC!
Wildlife rehabilitators use a purée made with cat kibble to eye dropper baby birds because its supposed to have the right nutrients for birds. Go figure. If I'm nursing anything I add a drop of honey. It's an antibacterial thing and makes the medicine go down!
Sorry about your rooster but you hang in there bad things happen but you are making improvements to your coop/run. You are a responsible chicken owner. Don't give up.
Thanks I really need the encouragement right now!

He's so tired right now all he wants to do is sleep. He kept falling asleep in my arms today so he's inside for the night.

It's awful to see him suffer so much!
My old rooster Monk got old, I guess. He was probably twelve. I sat with him in the coop as he gave in. He was wrapped in a blanket. I was sitting on a little stool. But I held his, what do you call their hand? And every once in a while he squeezed my hand. I just wanted him to know I was still there for him. He was the best. I miss him. He would have loved this spring.
Much love to you for reaching out to me!

I just posted my story in injuries, emergencies forum, a lot of typing if you want to know a little about me and why I'm so crazy about this guy.

Again thank you, I'm getting ready to snuggle up with him on the couch, can't believe I'm even saying that?!?

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