Somebody stop me... or not... UPDATE: Nevermind. I already did it. Ha!


10 Years
Jul 30, 2009
Charlotte, NC Area
I am about to make a silkie purchase. This is almost completely on impulse. I raise ducks and quail, so I know a few things about poultry, and the neighbors have chickens but... I downsized my duck flock and re-organized my quail situation this summer and I keep thinking I don't need more birds but... I've wanted silkies for over a year and my husband's in a good mood

Stop me before I push the BUY butten. I think it's an addiction. Or don't stop me. I don't know which is worse!

And you KNOW I wouldn't be posting here if I REALLY wanted to be stopped. I'm perfectly aware this board is populated by enablers. But still, don't you think you should tell me not to?


(P.S. Should I get six blues or 3 whites and 3 blues? I'm aiming for three females and one roo, but if I end up with fewer hens that's okay too. But COLOR--so many to choose from...)

(Or not, if you tell me to stop...)
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Should I get six blues or 3 whites and 3 blues?

You shouldn't get either, but you should get silkies! 6 blues will keep diluting. The whites throw in an unknown factor. Most people keep a blue/black/splash pen. I am still learning silkie genetics, silkie 'experts' out there, please correct me if I am wrong.​
Ooo... I'm gonna check out mypetchicken, thank you!! On the colors--I thought the blue spectrum was similar genetically to blue in ducks. In ducks, if you breed blue x blue, you get 50% blue, 25% black, 25% silver. That's what I love about blues!! Is that not true in chickens?

Point taken about the whites though... if I'm going to sell babies, they'll need to be pure colors, so I'll stick with blue spectrum--but do I need to throw in some black to avoid problems?
You are imbarking on a most wonderful adventure! But definitely addictive! I started with seven 5 - 6 months ago and now have 20! And just ordered more. I agree with the BBS. I would buy one black, one blue, and four splash! But them splash are my most favorite!! Search out the "silkie thread" on here. You'll learn a lot fast! Have great fun!

I ended up going with Ideal because mypetchicken is sold out for the year.
BUT, I'll be getting seven blues (I confirmed my suspicion regarding the genetics) and hope to have at least two or three hens out of that group. The others I'll sell or eat (CAN you eat silkies?). They'll probably come with packing peanuts, so I'll have to find homes for those as well.

I chose today as the shipping date, which I very much doubt will actually happen, lol. I'm assuming they'll simply confirm the next available date with me.

I'm so excited!! I had set up my brooder earlier this year because I was expecting quail chicks, but then they all failed to hatch, so I've been in baby withdrawal. I'm getting babies!!! The kids are tickled too. I can hardly wait.
Thanks! I love the splash too, but I should get some out of my first hatch from this batch--my understanding (this is true of ducks too, which I have more experience with) is that a blue group will hatch out 50% blue, 25% splash (aka silver in ducks), 25% black.

Where is the "silkie thread"? I need to read it!!
I have 16 Silkies from Ideal, they're 2 months old now. I gave my favorite girl a bath the other day and took her picture, here she is at 1 week and at 8 wks. I'm really happy with how all my Silkies turned out. I got 5 whites and 11 Buff/Gold. They sent 1 extra. People say how hatchery Silkies aren't as pretty, but I wouldn't part with mine

Sweet babies!! I love them. <3

I would love to buy locally, but the closest breeder is 3 hours. Besides, mine are just for pets. I just hope they have a great temperament.

My husband just leaned across and squeezed my arm and said, "I'm so glad you don't do things impulsively."

(Yes, he DOES know about the silkie purchase.)

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