Someone dropped a box of 17 chickens at the end of our driveway... Hayes, VA

I'd love to come help... but the commute would be a killer! Maybe use some bamboo rods - I use a lunge whip - and herd them up toward where the others are? Once they get close, they might recognize familiar clucks and be more willing to get herded into the coop. That's how I've been teaching mine to go in on command - just slow and easy herding, coupled with 'Go home!' and some mealworms scattered inside the run. They're picking it up pretty quick. Just had to learn to go slow enough not to get them trying to run away. The whip isn't to use ON them, of course - it's a light, maneuverable arm extension to keep them from 'moseying' back past me.Two or three people... might be able to get below them and push them up toward where those that are already captured are penned up.

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