Someone dropped a box of 17 chickens at the end of our driveway... Hayes, VA

Trying to catch them through sticker bushes and blackberry bushes isn't fun either... 20180704_155528.jpg
Trying to catch them through sticker bushes and blackberry bushes isn't fun either...View attachment 1455648
Ouch. If some are very stubborn you could use a large dog kennel with a string attached or some raccoon traps. Only if you have them laying around though.

Could also hope they come out of the forest and herd them into a garage. I haven’t had much luck getting chickens back once they start heading into deep brush.
I hate when people just dump chickens at someone's house. Many of us whose birds are visible to passing cars have experienced this. You're quarantining, so you know about the threat they pose to your own chickens.

The advice for catching them has been good. It's a great idea to be there later in the day or at dusk, and catch them when they are sleeping. The net could help, too.

Good luck and I hope you can find them nice homes if you can't keep them.
I would guess that most or all are roosters, and someone thought they could just dump them on you. The polish in the first pic look roo-ish with their pointy head feathers, and both bantams and polish do not come sexed from the hatchery. The OEGs look like cockerels as well.

You may be able to re-home many of them for those looking for a rooster or unusual breed. Hopefully, they are all healthy and come with no diseases, which is always a gamble when taking in new birds. Good luck.

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