Someone please tell me if theese are boys


5 Years
Oct 10, 2018
Puerto rico
I have two chicks a man or woman can't remember on this site told me to post pics in a few weeks three weeks have gone by and they are big and look healthybut,

one of them looks sick I think it has the flu,his eyes are watery and so are his nostrils ,I gave him water with a drop of lemon and some lemon in his mouth can I do that ?will it work? If anyone knows I need to help him/her get better
I assume that one is a roo it's comb is taller(top picture)

I assume this is pullet but she's sick I don't know if u can tell(bottom picture)
I have two chicks a man or woman can't remember on this site told me to post pics in a few weeks three weeks have gone by and they are big and look healthybut,

one of them looks sick I think it has the flu,his eyes are watery and so are his nostrils ,I gave him water with a drop of lemon and some lemon in his mouth can I do that ?will it work? If anyone knows I need to help him/her get betterView attachment 1576664 I assume that one is a roo it's comb is taller(top picture)

I assume this is pullet but she's sick I don't know if u can tell(bottom picture)View attachment 1576665

Hi none of them looks sick eyes and nose are bright nd clear
At this age u can't tell rooster or hen until 7-10 week

Their comb is small yet
Wait for the full development

Why u give lemon chickens don't take citrus

Although u can add some raw unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar in water that will clear any bad bacteria
Hi none of them looks sick eyes and nose are bright nd clear
At this age u can't tell rooster or hen until 7-10 week

Their comb is small yet
Wait for the full development

Why u give lemon chickens don't take citrus

Although u can add some raw unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar in water that will clear any bad bacteria
Well yes but that's when I cleaned ththem up I wanted them to look presentable

Ohh alright because I have two possible new Hampshire reds and I know which is too and pullet they are bigger but it's just me gurssing

Where I'm.from that is what people do I thought it helped with it I've actually one it to my hen and she's never gotten sick she used to get wet alot because she wouldn't seek cover

Ohh okay good to know
that's the hen I simply adore her I find her beautiful she's my baby but she's never laid eggs or had chicks,but meh who knows anyday now I think
Well yes but that's when I cleaned ththem up I wanted them to look presentable

Ohh alright because I have two possible new Hampshire reds and I know which is too and pullet they are bigger but it's just me gurssing

Where I'm.from that is what people do I thought it helped with it I've actually one it to my hen and she's never gotten sick she used to get wet alot because she wouldn't seek cover

Ohh okay good to knowView attachment 1576683that's the hen I simply adore her I find her beautiful she's my baby but she's never laid eggs or had chicks,but meh who knows anyday now I think

Alright now I can understand u should wait until they grow ..
Yes this is a young lady beautiful she is :love
Alright now I can understand u should wait until they grow ..
Yes this is a young lady beautiful she is :love
Ohh alright well thank you it's cuz I love chicks and animals ,especially in that color it really catches my attention

Yes she's young I might check to see if I have an aprox age or rescue date,thank you I've tried my best to make her beautiful I even clean her legs and beak she doesn't like to be held but she's my baby and I can't help it ,I've always wanted to make her into a show hen but where I'm from she's worth $0 but to me she's worth all the money I've spent
one of them looks sick I think it has the flu,his eyes are watery and so are his nostrils ,I gave him water with a drop of lemon and some lemon in his mouth can I do that ?will it work? If anyone knows I need to help him/her get better

You should take new pictures without cleaning her up and post a new thread here with an explanation of all her symptoms and when they started:

You should isolate this bird and provide additional support for her while you wait for assistance with treating her. Offer water with electrolytes and give her some Poultry Nutri-drench in her feed.

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