Something getting my chickens, please help!


7 Years
Aug 3, 2012
Middle Tennessee
In the past week, something has gotten three of my young chickens (about 2 months old). Whatever it is, goes through the 1" chicken wire gets them and pulls the chickens right through the wire. We have checked and there are no holes or places it can get into the fence. It gets the chickens right off the perch.
PLEASE HELP...what can be getting my chickens?!!!
I had the same problem with something grabbing my turkey poults this past spring. It was a racoon getting its paws through the wire. The babies would be sleeping right near the wire and the coon would just reach right through and snatch them. Is it happening during the day or at night?
My guess would be raccoon or a weasel.
1" chicken wire is not sufficient to keep predators out. Sorry. :( They can easily chew/rip through chicken wire. Hardware cloth is the way to go.
Raccoon is my best guess. Weasel would more likely bight the neck and leave them dead in the coop whereas a coon will reach in and pull the bird out, as was said above. The coon now knows where the food is and it WILL be back. Shoot it or trap and kill it. Please DO NOT relocate it if you trap it, you're only shipping a now trap-wise coon to another location to be someone elses problem. Sorry for your loss.

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