Something is seriously wrong with my hen. Help!


7 Years
Feb 26, 2012
My hen, who is a bit more than 2 yrs. old, is sick. I don't know what's wrong with her. She's been sleeping alot. It started this morning. She was sleeping in a laying box. I moved her this afternoon when she looked like she had gotten worse. Here's a
picture of her: Does anybody know what's wrong or what I could do?
I don't know what's wrong but I'd "kick her out" and see if she's eating, drinking,etc... If she isn't you'll probably have to syringe feed her and keep her comfortable. Good luck!
Oh my...she doesn't look like she feels well at all. I agree, see if you can get her to walk, check her droppings, is she eating/drinking? Check her it empty, hard, full or squishy like a water balloon? Feel her tummy, is it swollen? Does it feel like she may be egg bound?

Just a few thoughts to get a better understanding of what's going on.

I would also isolate her in a warm, safe, comfortable environment. Try some poly vi sol, without iron, .5 mls per day. Maybe some electrolytes to help perk her up?

Sorry for so many questions.
i cant stand seeing hurting chickens but pick her up softley and set her down on the ground also make shur other chickens arnt around or they may catch what she has.feed her your self a chick dieing at 2 years ald is not right so she may be very very tired or sick but god bless and pray for the most good to happen
Thanks for all the help. She died yesterday evening in her sleep. She was one of my firsts(and my favorite of the girls).
Thanks again for the helpful comments.

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