Something is wrong with my hen!!


7 Years
Jul 13, 2012
For the last few days my EE hen (laying about a month now and is about 7 months old) she is keeping to herself and has lots of white poop that is sticking to her backside. I have soaked her 2 times in the bath. Could it be worms? I have never wormed her to this point and she does free range during the day. If it is worms I have Wazine and Ivermectin (blue liquid and horse wormer) how much should I give her? Should I separate?
Now another hen! I woke up this morning and fed everyone scrambled eggs. The EE hen from yesterday and now a BO hen are both just standing around the coop. The EE still has lots of white poop and most looks runny though I did see her poop her normal as well. The BO does not seem to have the severe poop but is standing there and you can see her tail moving as if she is trying to lay an egg. I did find a BO egg with a soft shell on the floor of the coop this morning. This is the first time I have found one from a BO. But I also have 2 other BOs in there so I cannot be sure it was her. Any advice? Im checking out vent gleet now?
'Vent Gleet' Put it in the search bar at the top and see if what comes up describes what you are seeing in your hens. The first one that comes up has a blurb about what it is and how to treat. Other than vent gleet, I'm not sure what is going on. Hopefully someone else here has some ideas?
As far as worming goes, there are many thoughts on the subject. Look around here on BYC and see what others do and decide for yourself. I personally have a sample tested once a year or so and worm accordingly. I try to do it in the late fall when egg production seems to drop anyway (since you can't eat the eggs for a time after worming because of the medication). If I was having health issues, though, I would have a sample tested and see if it is due to worms. Do you have a vet clinic nearby you could take a sample to?
Yes the symptoms seemed simliar so I am treating with Epson salt, have them seperated, washed them, and now have them on probiotics. I do not have an avian vet anywhere near by but on Monday I am planning on calling my horse vet and see if he will do a fecal test. These girls are so special to us I would hate for something to happen to them.
I am pretty sure that they have vent gleet and after hours of research I realized it was my fault.
. We have a small fish pond in our yard and it needed to be cleaned from winter as we let the leaves accumulate to keep the fish warm. From what I read that standing water could have held bacteria, since I have 2 with the same issue and vent gleet is not contagious I believe this is what happened. I know it cant be water dishes as I have a hired hand that comes and helps scrub water buckets every other day. I think the BO will be ok but I used the crème mentioned on BYC along with yogurt (which she is eating) Im giving her probiotics in water through a syringe to ensure she drinks it and I washed and trimmed her feathers on her back side. I did read when they get to the point were the vent in protruding it could be to late to save them. I feel terrible as the pond should be off limits and now is (was up at 5 am fencing it off). My heart breaks for my 'Elly" as she is a favorite on the farm, please send good thoughts her way as she needs all the help she can get.

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