Something seems off with this turkey poul

silky ma

12 Years
Sep 14, 2007
This is my first time raising silky hen is a great mom and along with medicated turkey starter I'm adding a sprinkle of cayenne to scrambled eggs each feeding along with berries spinach watermelon sprouts. They both seem to be doing quite well and quite inquisitive, but today my GF was taking care of the feedings for me using pre prepared plates and now I notice one acting off, I brought in two more sod pieces from lowes before i left since it is way too hot for them to be outside.i notice it keeps making baby chirping noises.
My gf said when she brought the plates of food they all ate in the morning - it wasnt till this afternoon that one didnt want to eat but stayed under mom till she went to eat and while the other came to eat- i always had them run to come eat. I do on occasion catch some fliez in the house and give them to them to eat. As of now the chick is quieter -though still chirping but i think its tiring itself out from all the baby chirping. Any ideas? They hatched on 22/23 and were out only once in an opposite yard for a day till the heat came in again
This morning the poult cannot get up and stay on its feet, but seems alert! Its cry is 3 peeps- low med high in nature the poop is light brown not runny / yellow or foamy


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Coccidiosis or worms. I would definitely start treating them all for cocci. That can kill them in as little as three days. It's a protozoan parasite that lives in the soil and chick ingests it, it multiplies in gut and overwhelms chick. They have to be exposed slowly and in small quantities over time to develop immunity. In the mean time you help them from being overwhelmed by it by putting Corid in their drinking water. You can find it in your feed stores, generally used for larger animals, but very effective in poultry too. I prefer the liquid Corid because it's so easy to mix and dose daily. But I would pick that up today and get some of the meds in the chick by dropper if it has stopped drinking. You can search on this forum for Corid to find dosing instructions for either the liquid or powder mix.
Try to keep bird warm and dry too. Doesn't sound like it has much longer. Probably has not been drinking either.

If you pick up the liquid Corid today, put one to two drops directly in birds beak to get meds in it quickly. Be careful, one drop and tilt head so it will swallow. Don't want it to get in airway. Then observe it to see if it is taking the medicated water on it's own later... if not, you may have to drip water in beak a few times a day to help keep it hydrated. By tommorrow it should feel a little better.
Dang it thats why i have it on medicated chick starter!!and the cayenne
Ok based on cocci being the culprit - i have experience with it in the pastIm putting mom and two poults on kocci drops.
Just in case -they all got dosed with metronidazole. Im putting acv in water and since they are indoors and on sod pieces im spot cleaning as i see and sanitizing with white vinegar / water mix which is an excellent replacement for oxine- that is boxed up somewhere since we are between homes.keeping them on cayenne and probiotics and when hubby gets home the vits.

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